Ex's and Oh's...

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"Wait so let me get this straight..You were with this man named Marshall when everything went to hell, then afterwards you traveled to one of his friends house where he shot him and went all crazy, Then you had some type of argument with his alter ego Slim Shady and the police came and arrested you. Eventually you got out went to a shelter met this girl named Riri and found out that she knew Marshall's brother Nathan but you couldn't really tell him because he flipped out again and told you he caused the entire riot of Detroit and that he was gonna kill you if you didn't help him. But you were saved by Riri and went out hunting for supplies. You came back and Marshall was himself again. But then the entire shelter blew up and you were in a coma in the hospital for 10 months had a kid reunited with your family and Marshall was some where in Eloise insane asylum murdering workers. He eventually found you but was normal, you realized you liked him but Riri told you No not until we get rid of Shady. So eventually Marshall decided he wanted to find his family so you guys set out to look for them but got held up at this shelter where Riri got killed. You guys kept moving thinking you were going up North only to realize that your were coming to Las Vegas where Kim actually was with this Guerra person. Now fast forward you just found out by Kim that he was actually the one who raped you and impregnated you and that he's your babies father? And now your here talking to us about this whole thing?"

"Yeah...that pretty much sums it up." I replied.

"And through this whole thing you STILL want to save this man?" She asked in a tone of disbelief.

I sighed realizing that this whole thing was pretty messed up but if there was even a slightest chance that I could save this man from a terrible terrible future I had to do something.

"Yes." I spoke confidently.

"Why, I mean you can't possibly still love this dude after he raped you and pretty much ruined your whole life." Max said scribbling something down on his notes.

"Well finding that out did practically kill me but that wasn't Marshall."

"But it was a part of Marshall." Courtney said.

"Look Marshall would never hurt anyone it's when he turns into his psychotic alter ego Shady is where everything gets crazy." I spoke trying to defend him.

Courtney sighed grabbing her purse and standing up. "Fine take me to this man, but I seriuously don't know what I could do to fix the situation your in, the best bet we have is to go back to eloise insane asylum and find out if there's any type of medication that could help him."

"Okay I made a promise I was going to go there anyway so I might as well see how Chris is doing while i'm at it."

"Well looks like we've got everything figured out." Max said standing up as well.

"We?" Courtney asked.

"Yeah i'm coming too, this will make an amazing story once you know we save Detroit from a madman." He gushed looking like a little kid on Christmas day.

Courtney frowned, "Your going to turn this ladies tragic life into a newspaper article?"

"What? No! I'm going to turn it into a book!" He smiled.

"A book?" I said not really liking the sound of my personal problems being turned into a book for millions of people to read.

"Yeah! I mean think of all the sells we'd get, I mean we'd be like millionaires."

"Wow you are one sad sad man." Courtney shook her head.

"A man's gotta make a living some how."

"Can we just go? There's no telling what Marshall or Shady might be up to by now!" I said realizing that this conversation would just have to wait.

"Fine let's go." Courtney said being the first to walk out followed by the rest of us.


"Uhg that's right I left I don't have a key." I said knocking on the door.

"Well hopefully someone's here." Courtney said.

It took a second but the door finally opened and there stood Proof looking highly upset along with Kim and Guerra and a little girl shying behind Kim.

"Maybelline?" Proof said shocked.

"Proof what's going on?" I asked looking at the worried expressions I was getting.

"Wait YOUR Maybelline!? What's going on? W-where's Marshall?" Kim spoke sounding frantic firing off questions one by one because If this girl was THE Maybelline.. Oh God...

"Marshall's not here?" I spoke getting a sudden bad feeling.

"No, all of his things are gone and so is the car!" Proof said mumbling something else that sounded like "That inconsiderate asshole."

"Oh this is not good." I said running my fingers through my hair in a panic.

"We thought he was with you but I guess not, where'd you go anyway?" Proof asked.

"Well it's kind of a long story but Marshall and I got in this huge argument and well I left..but I came back because I really want to help him." I confessed getting a confused look from proof.

"What y'all argue about this time?"

Kim shot me a shocked look that practically begged me not to say anything.

I shook my head trying to erase the memories of what she had said earlier. "I don't want to talk about this, at least not now we've got bigger shit to deal with." I said knowing that it's been hours since I've left but that's just a bigger head start to Detroit he'd have and if that was where I think he was headed then the whole city of Detroit and possibly state of Michigan were in some serious trouble. Because God forbid if Marshall actually killed the Mayor! Detroit would be uncontrollable and I know it wouldn't stop there. No. If Michigan loses control slowly all of America could lose control. And if I remember correctly he's all out of Valium. And that was the only thing keeping that monster from attacking.

We've got to find him.

"Kim do you have a car?" I asked.

"Well duh how the hell you think I got here?" She spoke still trying to wrap her head around what was happening.

"Well we're going for a ride."

"To where?" Guerra asked finally realizing the situation for what is was.

"Where else? Detroit Michigan."


Hey guys! So It looks like Marshall has gone AWOL! D: What's gonna happen?? Find out in the next chappie! :) luv u guys!! Oh and Review and like please!! Keeps me Motivated! Sorta like coffee! So think of reviews and likes like coffee for the writer ;)

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