Waking up I see Angie floating above me "Hi" I say slowly.

I watch her sway back and forth then suddenly she's pressed nose to nose with me "I have an idea" she says in a completely calm voice.

I nod gently pushing her back to sit up "Okay what is it?" I ask.

She floats to the door "come on".

Getting up and following her down different halls into a lab she points at what looks like a
small shaggy furred black and white terrier mix, clearly dying from the large rip along her belly I move over to it, and pet it "it's a girl save her".

I frown looking at her "How?"

She points to some jars and I tilt my head walking over and reaching out to grab one I see it back away and hear whispering in my head *No not me, won't work*.

I frown reaching for another and lift my other hand reaching for the same I see one move away while the other moves closer and hear the same no answer along with another saying *yes I can do it* I shrug grabbing the one moving to be closer.

I walk back over, Angie shoves a box of gloves at me I frown pulling them on *now open the jar carefully take me out and hold me open palmed as close as possible to the wound* I hear whispered again in my head.

I follow directions and watch as the thing crawls into the wound the dog stops whimpering as her breathing smooths out then stops I sigh looking down "Sorry Angie I don't think it worked".

"You know my daughters can not control the Cadou when experimenting with it, how did you know what to do?" I spin seeing Mother Miranda leaning on the door.

"I think I'm crazy" I sigh.

She walks up to me and leans on the table "Doubt it, just tell me".

I look at the jar "I think it spoke to me and I saw what it was saying".

She looks at me raising a brow "I know what you mean, it gave me visions but it's sometimes confusing I haven't had them in 26 years at first I was relieved but then I was worried, how would I know what I'm doing, I'm just following instincts now and it's not been turning out great".

Looking down I tug at my sleeve "I understood it both words and visions, it was clear and easy to understand but, I think the puppy died anyway I don't understand how she got here or like that".

I see Mother Miranda grab two notebooks and hand them to me "I found her in the woods hurt I brought her here to try to save her I thought Belladonna might like a friend".

I frown opening the first and see information about a dire wolf puppy found dying and the
Cadou used on her.

Opening the second I find information about the puppy just a description of looks but no
name she hands me the pen "Record your results".

I sit them down shaking my head "Can't, I killed the puppy I shouldn't have tried to do this".

Feeling her arm around my shoulders she sighs "My first experiment died I still lose some
after all these years even with the Cadou's help, I had plenty die it's why I choose ones who are dying painful deaths because at least if I fail to save them then they do not have a slow painful death it's fast and yes it hurts knowing I failed them but at least I tried even if I only managed to ease their death".

Hearing a soft whine I spin around seeing the puppy raise its head I stand looking in shock while Mother Miranda checks the wound area "She's completely fine".

I look at her "she's alive?" I whisper.

She nods smiling while handing me the book "She is and you saved her so I think you need to
document your results till she stops showing changes like I did with Belladonna before she went to you and you can keep her book too".

I nod and pet the puppy "Hey Tinker how do you feel sweetie?"

Nodding I write in the book and smile at the puppy "Okay Tink I'm going to move you to my room to monitor you".

I pick up the puppy and hand Mother Miranda the book to look at what I wrote as we head back up, I look at Angie and smile "Look Angie I saved the puppy when she's done changing I want her to go to you and Donna".

Angie floats by the dog and pets her "I knew you could and finally, we get a buddy to always be with us".

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