Eve pov

She hums holding me close "Everything will be fine."

I nod and look up at her "Did you ever meet my birth mom?"

She shakes her head "No, but I have heard good things about her from Mother, Donna, and Angie".

Nodding I look away "Do you think Aunt Bird is right?" I whisper.

She holds me closer scratching my head and sighs "About what dragon?"

I shrug "That she loved me? Still loves me? Will want to know me?"

Hearing a slight growl she holds me closer "I believe it's true and while I am not comfortable with the idea of her coming in and trying to take you from us, I have to accept this as long as you want to be around her because if I sent you girls away for protection and came back to find you all I wouldn't want to be kept away."

I nod as she suddenly changes the subject "So tell me what else do you like to read?"

I smile "Duke would bring me lots of books for when I'm big or little, he brought me these cartoon books he called comic books I like My Little Pony and Harley Quinn, he also found me books on the bad guys in stories that show their side of the stories and background".

She smiles looking at me "You have to show me these sometime" I nod looking at her.

She stands up putting me on my feet "Let go see your experiment".

I nod running to my room opening the door and slipping in I glance back and see her duck inside the room with a hand on the wall to steady herself, she stands up and glances around as
I sit on the floor by Tinker "This is Tinker, Ma".

She sits on the bed and pats it "Bring her here dragon, let me see".

I nod lifting the puppy walking to her handing her the puppy she curls her nose looking at her
"You need a good bath pup, you smell really bad and we will have to cut all this fur off first and restart it".

Climbing up I frown "Why?" I ask as she takes my hand rubbing it over the puppy "Feel all the knots that's her fur clumped up and tangled".

I nod looking at the puppy "She's black and white but the white is dirty stained a rusty dirt color and the knots cause poor circulation, it's uncomfortable and pulls at her skin" she says.

She stands up and ducks into the bathroom and I follow her seeing her claws come out slightly on
one hand I watch as she carefully shaves the puppy completely "Sweetie get the book, she's had some physical changes".

I nod rushing out and come back with my book and pen sitting on my knees by her, looking at the puppy who has small horns down her back, her tail has small horns in a cluster on the end, I write it all down and watch as Ma starts on her face and head cutting it down to short fuzzy fur, she lifts the puppy putting her in the bath and scrubs her draining the tub multiple times after four baths she pulls her out wrapping her in a towel "that's better, all clean and that bad fur all gone".

I follow Ma back to the room and see her take the blankets I put down and place new ones "Okay Tinker, when you're ready you can come out and explore or you can rest more if you want" she says.

I smile covering the puppy "It's okay here cover up I'll ask Donna to make you a shirt to be warm when you're ready to leave the room"

I follow Ma out to Donna's room where she knocks, Donna opens the door "Hello Donna, Eve's experiment had to be shaved she may need a shirt to help keep her warm".

Donna perks up and nods grabbing fabrics and holds them out looking at Ma who smiles "It's a puppy her information is in the book".

I hold it out seeing her nod taking it and looking threw it, writing down the information she needs as Ma duck out I bite my lip.

Donna turns looking at me before she grabs an outfit off the table "Here I just finished these for you".

I nod changing into a dress like my sisters' and a cloak.

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