Take a Look At My Girlfriend (Technoxreader)

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Techno didn't have a girlfriend. That fact was well known, because Techno joked about it on different occasions, like with Schlatt, where he asked wether he had one or not, or that one time when someone asked in the comments and Techno pointed out what number skywars episode he had commented on. 

But behind the jokes he couldn't help but feel just a little saddened, or well he would, if his response to the question still was no, but luckily it wasn't.

See, college does many things for you; gives you stress, and many other mental problems for sure, but it also brings along new friendships, and with it, potential partners.

Not that Techno saw all his female friends as 'potential partners,' to be fair he mostly kept to himself, but those he considered friends, were also just friends. Until he befriended her. 

See, Techno had taken a classical civilization class about ancient Greece and it's mythology and architecture. There he met a girl who seemed very interested in the subject, and as he had realized, after looking at her for awhile, how pretty she was, he listened just little closer to what the teacher said, and especially to what she said, whenever she put her hand up. Turns out her name was Y/n. 

Whenever he read the homework for that class, he would think of her, and slowly he really started liking the mythology part of it.

One day her usual seat was taken by someone else, and that left her to choose between sitting beside him, or in the midst of a friendgroup who took the class together, whom it seemed she didn't talk to much. 

And that one class sitting together led to them sitting together the next time, and the one after that, and they would chat more and more before and after classes.

And as friendship turned into going on dates and stolen kisses, Techno finally built up the courage to ask that one big question, and after some stammering from him and a quick, happy answer from her, they became boyfriend and girlfriend.

They supported each other through everything, and eventually, when Techno debated whether or not to drop out and pursue youtube full time, she also supported him through that even though she now had to finish college without him in her favourite class. 

And as she finished college a year later they celebrated and moved together. At that point only two of Technos friends knew of her existence, Wilbur and Philza, but even they didn't know what she looked like, and they had promised to keep quiet. 


A bunch of Technos friends had talked about meeting up for a long time, and finally planning was started. 

They planned to rent an Airbnb somewhere in the country of England and stay there for about 10 days. Techno thought about it, and at first he thought it'd be fun, but then he remembered that he and Y/n hadn't been apart for more than two days since moving together, and in that short period he missed her an insane amount.

"Will, would it be possible for me to bring a plus one?" Techno asked after calling Will, Y/n was out for groceries so she couldn't hear the conversation.

"Of course, Techno, there's a few extra beds left," Will said while sending pictures of the Airbnb they booked, "but may I ask who you're bringing?"

"Oh, it's just my girlfriend, we haven't really been apart too much since moving together.. and ten days just seemed like alot," Techno said, relieved with Wills answer.

"I would love to meet her, you never talk about her! What's she like?" Will asked eagerly. He had never dared to ask too much about her, since he figured Techno would speak up if he wanted to, which he hadn't, and Will understood that, a relationship is something between two people not three or entire youtube chats, so if that was the way Techno wanted to keep it, then that was how Will wanted it to be.

"She's absolutely amazing. She's funny and kind, she's smart, very smart; out of college and everything, she's caring, and has a beautiful voice, I could listen to her just talk for hours on end.. and she's just so unbelievably stunning." Techno looked at the wall over his monitor, smile evident. You'd think after years together the fun would've faltered, but Techno was still just as, if not even more, in love as he was when it began. 

Will couldn't help but smile listening to his friend describe his love. Will wasn't in a relationship at the time, but had been before and sort of understood what Techno felt.

When Y/n returned with groceries Techno asked if she wanted to come with him, and after some considering and questions she said yes. She really wanted to go but didn't want to ruin his time with his friends.


Everyone had arrived in the Airbnb, except Techno and Y/n, whose plane was the last one to land, and as the others were eating dinner, Techno and Y/n's taxi pulled into the driveway.

Y/n unpacked the taxi and told Techno to go ahead and greet his friends, they had packed light so she could easily manage it. 

He knocked on the door and Will opened, from the door he couldn't see the driveway and therefore also couldn't see Y/n, so they walked inside and Techno took off his shoes and jacket and went in to greet everyone in the kitchen with hugs and laughs. 

While they were busy laughing and hugging inside, Y/n quietly opened the door and placed the bags in a hallway, then took off her shoes and jacket too. She followed the sound to the kitchen and emerged from the door.

"Techno, who's that?" Niki noticed first. Techno turned around after Tommy let go of him to look, and there stood his beautiful girlfriend quite nervously as she was in a room full of comeplete strangers. 

Techno walked towards Y/n, "Take a look at my girlfriend," he said proudly, swinging his arm up to lean ontop of her head due to him being a head taller than her. 

She pushed his arm off of her head and then chuckled as she recognized the cupid's chokehold quote, which they had just listened to in the taxi. 

The others went to greet her too, and then showed them where their room was. After, they joined their dinner and slowly Y/n started warming up to them and vice versa. And Techno couldn't contain his smile, seeing his favourite person getting along with and befriending his best friends. 

(Words 1095)

I should probably study for my tests but whatever, whenever inspiration hits, I must fulfill.

Take care lovey doveys <3

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