Chapter 1:

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Jungkook was on his way home when it suddenly rained. He was bringing his umbrella and he realized that the rain won't stop anytime soon he decided to go home.

After visiting the convenience store to buy his dinner, the rain was still pouring hard. His apartment is just near but he can't ignore the heavy rain.

He went on with his umbrella but his attention was caught by a person sitting on the bench near the convenience store, without his umbrella, looking down. He looked at the person and realized that he looks familiar but just can't pinpoint where he has seen him.

He looks like an angel under the rain, shining despite of being soak in it.

"Take this." Jungkook said to the person.

The man looked at him skeptically. "I am fine." He said, then looked down again.

"You don't look fine." Jungkook said. "Go home or you might get sick being soak under the rain."

The man took the umbrella and Jungkook left running.


The next day, Jungkook kept on sneezing while in they were on lunch.

"What happened to you? Your umbrella was big and I remember you bringing it." Yoongi asked his friend.

"I lent it to someone." Jungkook said.

"You're too kind. Who would have thought that the muscle bunny who's full of tattoos will actually lend his umbrella to someone?" Yoongi chuckled. "You need to have a boyfriend or girlfriend so that someone can take care of you." He added.

"I don't need that. I can take care of myself." He said then sneezed again.

"I bet." Yoongi said teasing him.

While he was taking care of his nose, group of students came in the cafeteria a little bit loudly following a certain person.

His eyes lingered to the source of the sound and he was surprised to see the man he met from the day before.

Yoongi looked where he was staring at.

"Ah, so you are interested with the Angel?" Yoongi asked with a smirk.

"Angel?" He asked curiously.

"Hm. Kim Seokjin. He is called an angel because of his face, but aside from that, he's also number 1 in his whole department. He's also super kind, helping out his classmates during exams. That's when they started calling him Angel. Aside from his face and attitude, he also has the sweetest voice, like you are actually listening to an angel when you talk to him."

"He looks more like a prince than an angel." He mumbled to himself. "Why'd you know a lot about him?"

"Because I am not blind. He is the most popular 3rd year student here and I have always seen him eversince we entered this University."

"He's in our year?" Jungkook asked, surprised that this is the first time that he saw him or maybe looked at him.

"Wow! Aren't you one naive student?" Yoongi said teasing him again and he just rolled his eyes on him then ate again, hoping to end the day already so he can go home as he's really feeling sick now.


On his way home, Jungkook just felt so sick. He almost fell on the elevator because of the heaviness he feels. He also forgot buying the medicine on his way because he just wants to go home.

As soon as the elevator door to his floor opened, he tried his best to go out supporting himself through the wall looking down.

"Are you okay?" Someone asked him.

He looked up and he saw his umbrella first being held by the same person he met yesterday.

"Oh my god! Have you been sick because you lent me your umbrella?" Seokjin asked.

"You did not have to return it." Jungkook said, passing by Seokjin then to his door to open it as he is not feeling well.

He tried his best to open his door but almost fell when it opened. He was then assisted by the man he remembered named Seokjin, as Yoongi mentioned, so that he won't fall totally.

"Stay here, I'll make you soup."

"W-wait! Don't do anything in my kitchen!" Jungkook shouted and Seokjin looked at him with puzzled eyes.

"Of course I won't. My house is next door. I'll make you soup and get some medicine. I'll be right back." Seokjin said after assisting him to his couch and going outside towards his own apartment.

"He is my neighbor?" Jungkook asked himself.

Coming this March. ☺️

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