Chapter 22

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Jungkook's POV

As we walked back to the apartment, we were both quiet. My heart is beating loudly inside my chest trying to consider my decision if this is the right time to tell Seokjin the story behind my tattoos.

I am sure that Seokjin is feeling uncomfortable with the silence as he started biting his lip. Maybe he is thinking that he asked a very sensitive subject.

"Seokjin, stop biting your lip." I told him with a smile. "Are you nervous?" I asked.

"I'm sorry. I just don't know if I offended you with my question." Seokjin said.

"Not at all. I just...I'm just nervous."

"It's okay if you don't want to say what it's about, I understand your private information." Seokjin said.

"I really want to say it. I'm just scared that you might think differently about me."

Seokjin got confused with what I said but I ushered him for us to ride the elevator as it opened.

"Let's go to my apartment." I said to him as I held his hand towards my apartment.

I guided him towards the living room.

"I will just get us some water. Stay here, okay?" I said and he nodded.

I poured water in two glasses and breathe in big amount of air before I walked again towards the living room.

"Here." I said, offering him the water.

"Thank you."

I sat beside him and held his hand again. "I love holding your hand, I hope it's fine."

He nodded to me and smiled with an obvious blush. He's really so cute.

"My tattoos..." I said, looking at them and let Seokjin go. "They were not tattoos before." I started.

"What do you mean?"

"These are wounds. I hid the wounds behind the tattoos. When I was in high school I had these group of friends that were really so kind to me, or maybe I thought they were. Busan was a good place for me and my family because my dad owns a really big company. I am famous in school for being his son. When I was in second year, there's this group of boys that wanted me to be part of their group and I was ecstatic.

For a good 2 months, they welcomed me in their group and we would always hang out together. It was fun to be part of a group that you thought would welcome you.

Until their agenda was exposed. For those 2 months, I would always pay for our food and that was fine. However, they have started asking me for more money to buy weeds. I disagree because it's not something I wanted to be involved. They got mad at me and they started hurting me, taking my money and even all the cards my father gave to me. I did not tell my parents, fearing they would hurt me more.

One day, they cornered me as I'm on my way home. They asked me for more money but all I can give were my allowance. They started giving me punches and this hand was what I used to block their hits. I did not know they were also bringing some knives and I shouted so loud when I felt it pierce my hand.

Namjoon-hyung was the one who saved me that day. That is how he met my family. My hand was badly wounded and received too many stitches that I can't even count.

I was not able to move it for a month and the incident also resulted for me to drop from school. I was home schooled for 2 years until I met Yoongi, who was a soccer player and taught me about the sports.

We applied together in schools and applied for scholarships using our skills in soccer. He's the only person I trust and avoided any other people because of my fear from the experience I had. When I turned 18, I told my parents that I would like to cover all of my wounds with tattoos.

They understand my sentiments about it and that is why I had my whole arm with tattoos." I said looking at my arm, with a shiver, reminiscing those days.

Seokjin suddenly touched my arm slowly with his fingers, feeling the wounds I received.

"I'm sorry to hear all the bad experiences you had, but you were so strong having to endure those things. I always believe that people are not naturally evil but some chose to be mean and bad. People that you have met were not supposed to do that. You have treated them as your friends and they hurt you.

You did nothing wrong and it's just fine if you wanted to hide those wounds with your tattoos.

Your arm is the proof of your strength. I love the art in your tattoos." He said as he smiled at me. I felt comforted with his words and his smile.

"I drew them all and gave it to the artists." I said proudly.

His eyes widened. "Really? Oh my god. You're really talented. I am proud of you, Jungkook. You have experienced a lot but was able to create an art out of it." He said as he looked at my arm.

I almost wanted to cry hearing his words. It's not always that I get to say this to people and I did not expect for Seokjin to take it lightly.

"You are so nice, Seokjin." I said.

"When I first saw you, I---uhm---I thought you are so snobbish. I did not know your history and now I understand the reason why you rejected me." Seokjin said with a chuckle.

I got confused with what he said. "I rejected you?"

"You did." He said laughing now. "I offered you a chocolate and left a note with it. It's the first time I did that for someone but you just walked past me." He said to me and my eyes widened.

I don't really remember doing that to him but I remember rejecting a lot of people before because of my fear.

"I'm sorry, I did not know." Jungkook said.

"You don't have to say sorry. We did not know each other that time. We were both freshmen and I now understand why you had to do that."

"I am scared of people. I did not mean to be rude to you."

"You can be a snob to everyone else and just pay attention to me." Seokjin said and I laughed at his cuteness. "Why are you laughing?"

"It's our first day dating but you're acting so cute already." I told him as I pinch his cheeks.

"Aww. I always am cute and handsome." He said confidently.

"Of course you are." I said as I pet his head.

"Stop doing that." He said with a pout.

I stopped and held his hands. "Can you stay here for the night?" I asked him out of nowhere. I just felt more courageous in asking him now as I was able to open up to him.

I saw his ears getting red and he looked away.


I pulled his face slightly with my fingers so that he can look at me.

"I want you to stay with me for the rest of my life." I said as I slowly went near to him and closed the gap between our lips.

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