Chapter 16

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Seokjin's POV

When Jungkook hugged me, I felt comforted immediately. His hug is so warm. Even without the need to tell him anything, I can already feel that I am fine.

"Let's get inside your apartment?" He asked.

I just nodded as he pulled away from the hug and held my hand to guide me inside my own apartment.

He let me sit at the sofa as he still held my hand while he sat beside me.

"You want to talk about it?" He asked.

I was just looking at the hands I put on my lap, fidgeting. I am not sure if this is something Jungkook would understand but he heard it anyway. As if I can hide anything more to him about it.

I breathe in and out before talking as he looked at me.

"It's okay, Seokjin. If you are not comfortable---"

"I am an illegitimate child." I said, stopping him from what he was about to say. "My father is a... my father is Yang Jungwon."

Jungkook was surprised based on his reaction but tried not to show it.

"He's in the Top 20 richest people in Korea due to his companies. My mom, Kim Yuna, the person you saw earlier, is a famous actress of her generation. Like a usual love story, they got madly in love with each other. However, their love story was short-lived when my grandfather knew about their affair. He fixed my father's marriage to someone who is 'within' their league.

My father did not agree at first because he was in love with my mom, but when he met So Min Hee, he forgot about my mom in an instant and fell in love with her. She is so kind and loving. I have met her once and she never regarded me as an illegitimate child.

When my dad broke up with my mom, out of her will to keep him, she asked them to do something the last time and she'll forever let him go. Unknown to him, my mom stopped her pills since months ago to make herself pregnant and planned to use it to keep him.

Things did not go as she planned. My grandfather told her that if she'll release any information about me, they will make sure that all her projects and endorsements will be gone. She has no fears so she still exposed her pregnancy to the media.

She lost everything, and unknown to her, she also lost my dad. She blamed me for everything and despised the fact that I was even born.

My dad wanted to keep me with him but my grandfather disagreed, that is why I was kept in her care, but not really. Her brother took care of me and visited me whenever he can, with his family. They were more like my fanily than my own parents. That is why I was never close to her. We would only meet once or twice in a year.

My dad gave her all the money she needed to keep me alive and even bought a house for her and hired maids. I practically lived with them instead of her. She never goes home because she does not like seeing me. She said she would go crazy if she'll keep on seeing my ugly face.

I tried my best to be the most gorgeous son for her. I always take care of my skin, specially my face. I eat only healthy food to make sure that I don't gain much. Modeling agencies will start sending me messages to work for them when I was in highschool but she always declines them because she said I am not deserving of any attention.

When she heard about the possible heir to my father for their company, she started pestering me about school. I always need to get perfect grades and always need to be on top of my class. She promises me a date every weekend for good grades and that hyped me up. I always try my best to study and even did everything to always be on top. But the weekend dates never came. She never visited me at home. Only my uncles and their son visits me. They were practically my only family.

My dad visits me every month. He is also kind and loving, but he can't stay long with me because he needs to go home to his family.

My mom would always rush home whenever she knew about my dad's visits, but he never wanted to meet her. He got mad at her when she tricked him about the pills and falling pregnant for me.

They never talked again. My mom would always ask me about him hoping they'll be back together but he is no longer in love with her. She hated me more when she knew how my dad finance my schooling and the apartment here in Seoul. She hates that I get all his attention and she doesn't.

She came today when I sent her my grades. One of my subjects got a lower score than last semester and that made her mad. She got here scolding me for not being serious about school but I wish she never came." I said my last sentence with a very emotional tone. I know I am letting Jungkook see through me now, but I can't just keep on hiding this pain from anyone forever.

"Can I hug you again?" Jungkook asked.

I looked at him with a surprised look but I nodded anyway.

He hugged me tight and I rest my head on his shoulders as I returned the hug.

"Starting today,you can talk to me whenever you're sad. We can go to my family if you need to feel that you have one. I will never let you feel sad anymore. I will be with you and cheer for you for every successes that you'll achieve and will stay with you as a person to lean on for every failure that you will get.

I am happy that I have met you and you are a blessing to everyone. You are an angel to everyone who really knows you. Don't let the validation of one person bring you down, even if it's your own mother.

I admire you for your strength and for enduring all these pain alone through the years. But you will never ever be alone anymore. I am here and will always be." Jungkook said to me and I suddenly felt my eyes get teary.

I hugged him tighter as I started sobbing on his shoulder letting all the pain I felt from my youth to current drift with the tears that fell out from my eyes.

I am now crying because I never thought that someone like Jungkook will actually say that to me. The way he said it is very sincere. I knew he is always kind but the words he said made me feel much better even with the tears that had been flowing from my eyes.

I will be forever thankful that I fell in love with the right person.

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