CH 2

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The seal under the amulet.

A shame that will never happen again.

Unlike his father, who was evaluated as the most powerful man of all time, this pig trash prince was an ugly son who did not inherit even a handful of sword talent or divine power.

Above all, his fiery disposition and vulgar words and actions, which did not resemble the Holy Emperor's calm temperament in the slightest, were not too far-fetched to be seen as the beatings of an immature young prince.

It would not be unreasonable for some cardinals or high-ranking priests to whisper that Prince Morres might not be the son of the Holy Emperor.

However, an opportunity for change came to Prince Morres, who seemed to be a fool forever.

One day, he suddenly collapsed from a severe fever, suffered from a high fever for four days, and then came to his senses and became a completely different person.

'Almost dying can change a person that much.'

Everyone thought so and ignored it, but in fact, the prince suddenly changed his mind and became a new person because there was something inside that he couldn't easily confide to others.

The reason why Morres, who was dying of fever, opened his eyes was because he was actually an Earthling named Lee Seongjin.

* * *

Lee Seongjin was a child with strange persistence since childhood.

Due to his stubbornness to see the end of a job he started as a baby, his parents had to experience extremely tough parenting despite him being an only child.

"Who the hell does he resemble? To be that stubborn?"

Seeing her son stubbornly still sucking his thumb after the age of 4, his mother shed tears. It was because she was afraid that his teeth might be damaged.

Thankfully, the baby teeth grew pretty and evenly.

After becoming a kindergartener, they wondered if he had lost interest in sucking his thumb, but now he started to insist on not going home during House time.

I'll give you snacks at home, let's go watch Dororo, She tried to persuade him to no avail.

The mother couldn't help but smile awkwardly at the kindergarten teachers, who were suspicious of whether he was being abused at home because he hated coming home like that.

In the end, the mother and father took turns carrying the child to and from the playground until Seongjin fell asleep, and then went home late at night.

Seeing their son become a little more mature after becoming an elementary school student, his parents finally let out a sigh of relief. Now they think he's at an age where he can communicate.

That was, until he stole his classmate's crayons and returned home, and the homeroom teacher called the next day.

It was a brief moment of peace.

"He turned over my crayons and broke them all. I took his instead."

"Seongjin-ah. Hyeongcheol said he was sorry, and it's bad to forcefully take a friend's stuff."

The child's eyes narrowed.

"Is it okay if he says sorry? What about my crayons?"

"Mom can buy you crayons again."

"Hyeongcheol did something wrong, so why does mom buy it for me? The person who caused the accident should be held accountable."

The mother was at a loss for words at her son's retorted reply. It wasn't wrong from her child's point of view.

Children of the Holy EmperorWhere stories live. Discover now