CH 23

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Seongjin, who lost most of the day's training time because of an unexpected visit from his fiancée, tried to run to the training ground as soon as Chloe left. For him, who was gaining momentum from his recent training, every minute and every second was a waste.

But this time, too, there was an unexpected hindrance.

"Hi, Morres."

"Hi, Morres."

As he was running out of the lobby of the Pearl Palace, a small carriage stood blocking the entrance.

Children poking their heads out of the window are waving at him. They were pretty children like porcelain dolls that looked the same as if they were cut out of a mold.

Who are they?

He looked at Edith who was beside him with eyes asking for an explanation, but she just hung her head indifferently.

"I did not receive a separate message that they would visit. Your Highness."

If the demon king was there, he would have proudfully and released the information. Suddenly, his absence is felt in a big way.

Fortunately, Marthain, who followed behind him, solved Seongjin's curiosity. He placed his hand on his chest and made an angled bow toward the children.

"Greetings to the princess and the prince."

"Hi, Older Brother Marthain."

"Hi, Older Brother Marthain."

So, they were Morres' younger siblings.

Herna and Gades.

The two were twin princess and prince who had just turned 13 years old.

The two, who are said to be living with their mother in a mansion in the capital, visit the imperial palace by carriage once a week when it is time for an audience.

The two grumbled that today's appointment had been canceled thanks to the Holy Emperor's closing prayer, and although they were only two years younger than Morres, they had a strangely childlike side to them.

"Of course, it's not that Father Holy Emperor deliberately avoided us. But it's still regretful."

Herna grumbled and crossed her arms around Seongjin's right arm.

"I've been waiting for a week to meet His Majesty Father. So we came to the imperial palace to play."

Gades pouted and grabbed Seongjin's left arm.

"Well, Father Holy Emperor doesn't like playing chess that much, though."

"Well, I'm suggesting that we play chess because it's fun to see His Majesty Father look troubled."

Then, the two began to stare at Seongjin's bewildered face.

"So will you play with us, Morres?"

"You're not going to kick us out, are you, Morres?"

Two pairs of identical purple eyes twinkle mischievously.

Wow, what is this?

Seongjin broke out in a cold sweat, not knowing what to do.

In the previous world, Seongjin was hit by Gehenna Gate before he even got married. He never dreamed of having a normal family or having children.

Besides, the world was too harsh for children. As the superhuman unit was formed and the battle with the monsters continued, even the few children died one by one.

So he couldn't figure out how to deal with innocent children who were just clinging to him. He looked at Marthain with his little brother and sister in his arms, but the man was feeling moved on his own without knowing Seongjin's thoughts.

Children of the Holy EmperorWhere stories live. Discover now