CH 28

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It was late, when the sun had already set and darkness had fallen, when Sir Marthain returned to the Pearl Palace.

Seongjin had just finished dinner and was holding open a picture book he had borrowed from Amelia.

There were a lot of professional books in the library of the Pearl Palace, but when he searched to learn letters, he couldn't find any easy books for children.

It was clear that Queen Lizabeth had not considered that Morres' knowledge level at all when she first created the library.

It was the angelic Princess Amelia who extended a helping hand to Seongjin, who was worried about how to start studying letters.

She treasured all the picture books she read as a child, and willingly lent them to Seongjin, who said he had a fading memory of how to read.

Occasionally, on the day they had lunch together, she would open the picture book and slowly read it to Seongjin. She also listened intently to Seongjin's voice as he stuttered and read it.

-It has been a long-time dream of mine to read books with my family.

To Seongjin, who was apologetic for making her waste time, she smiled as she was rather happy.

Thanks to this, Seongjin had reached the level of reading a simple storybook by himself, albeit at a slow pace.

Well, considering that he told the Holy Emperor that he wanted to read philosophical or religious books, there was still a long way to go.

So today, while eating dessert, he was flipping through a children's book with cute animal pictures on it, when he heard a knocking sound, and Marthain entered the room with a very tired face.

"It is much later than expected. I'm sorry. Your Highness."

Seongjin silently closed the book and looked at him.

Today, Seongjin made a lot of progress in his training. That's why he desperately needed Marthain's advice, but he didn't feel like blaming him when he saw him walking in with a haggard face.

"Okay, you said you had something to look into. Is the job done well?"

Looking at the atmosphere, it doesn't seem like there was much success.

Sure enough, Marthain shook his head with a gloomy face.

The Golden Truth Society, Plague Society of Adelheit, and the Blue Republican Revolutionary Front.

Suspicious organizations that Morres is said to have sponsored.

"First of all, we investigated all the ledgers of the Pearl Palace, which contain records of the use of personal funds, but no records were found about these organizations."

From the morning, he scoured the administrative officer of the Pearl Palace and investigated every detail of sponsorship and donations within five years.

However, only one orphanage and one small theater on Rue Bertrand were the only regular sponsors, and there were only a few cases of occasional sponsorships to relief groups for the poor.

There he considered two possibilities.

First, it is possible that Queen Lizabeth sponsored these organizations in his name on behalf of Morres.

Second, there is a possibility that the imperial palace forces trying to harm Morres sent sponsorship money in his name.

So, from then on, he rushed to the main palace and investigated all the records of funds in the internal affairs department for several years. The secretary in charge and the administrative priests were frightened when they thought that a financial audit would start unexpectedly.

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