CH 22

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It's only been a day since the Holy Emperor entered the closed prayer. The atmosphere in the Pearl Palace was changing rapidly.

Little by little people began to come and go to the Pearl Palace, which was like a small isolated island within the imperial palace.

Attendants carrying letters came in and out, and small gift boxes and bouquets of flowers began to be delivered.

It's been quite some time since the access restrictions were lifted, but the reason for this belated change was obvious. Until now, it means that people were nervous about the Holy Emperor.

Requests for visits began to come in from here and there, and the one and only lady-in-waiting became very busy as well.

"Oh, this is a big deal. Your Highness!"

He was just leaving the gymnasium from morning training when Edith called to Seongjin with a very nervous face.

"What is it?"

"I just got a message from the Ruby Palace. The Queen told me to prepare refreshments without a hitch because she is coming with a special guest!"

Isn't that just a usual guest reception?

"What's the problem?"

Seongjin stared blankly at Edith, who had a teary face.

"But I don't know how to brew tea properly?"

"... What?"

You punk. Then, while you are fully aware of your poor skills, you brought me such tasteless tea all this time?

Seongjin felt his blood pressure rise.

"Why did you get a job as a lady-in-waiting if you don't even know how to make tea?"

"I didn't know. In the first place, the recruiting condition was [Aura users] only."

Oh, that's right. She did say she originally wanted to be a knight.

Still, isn't it already her second year as a maid? It's time to learn how to make tea.

However, Edith also had her own excuses.

"Because Your Highness originally didn't enjoy tea, and there weren't any particular guests visiting."

"I heard that Father sometimes come?"

"His Majesty the Holy Emperor was always accompanied by the chief chamberlain, so I had nothing to do. Lord Louis has prepared the perfect refreshments from the main palace."

Come to think of it, it seems that Louis himself served tea during the last audience.

"What should I do? I just did some practice, and it just tastes like rotten grass. How do I serve this to the guests?"

So you know well what the tea you brew tastes like.

"Well, tea is originally grass and water. Won't it be okay?"

After replying indifferently, Edith stomped her feet.

"But Your Highness! It is said that the Queen has made a new request. She said that since it is the first time your fiancée is visiting the Pearl Palace, there should be no shortage of hospitality to her!"

Seongjin heard something he couldn't let go of there, and asked Edith back.

"Wait, Edith. But am I engaged?"

"That's right. When did you get engaged without me knowing, Your Highness?"

"... Huh?"

"... Yes?"

Children of the Holy EmperorWhere stories live. Discover now