CH 9

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"So, you mean there was a visitor limit until now?"

Seongjin asked Edith while eating the lightly baked pre-dinner bread.

"Since when?"

"I don't know the exact period. It's been two years since I've been on the job, so it's clear that there were restrictions at least before then."

Edith answered as she poured water into his cup.

According to her explanation, except for a few servants and resident knights, all visitors were initially restricted from entering the Pearl Palace. Those who inevitably wanted to visit had to submit an application to the main palace. Even if it was a member of the imperial family, there was no exception.

And most of the applications were rejected. It's practically a no-entry ban.

"I can't believe it, am I not allowed to go out?"

Edith shrugged.

"As far as I know there was no such thing. It's just that Your Highness hates going out of the Pearl Palace, so you rarely go out."

Fortunately, it seems that Morres was not confined to the detached palace.

Indeed, he was even too lazy to go to the main palace once a week, so he skipped regular visits.

The human relationship of the prince of the Holy Empire, can it be like this?

"Still, you used to go to the town house to see a friend once every two months."


"Yes, I think most of it was an appointment with the young duke1 of Scarchapino."

It wasn't that he didn't have friends at all.


Seongjin chewed on his salad and was lost in thought.

It is said that there are no special restrictions on the Blue Rose Labyrinth or the Silver Rose Labyrinth, the palaces of the princes and princesses, so such measures were aimed only at Morres. It may have something to do with the reason why only the Pearl Palace had so few servants.

However, no matter how famous he was, is it really the right thing to do to isolate him in a separate palace while blocking visits from his family and friends?

Although Morres had a dirty personality, he wasn't particularly a heinous criminal, so wouldn't being locked up like this have a more adverse effect on his character and position?

"By the way, if it is released, what is partial release?"

"They said that high-ranking priests and paladins are still prohibited from entering."


So, people with strong divine power should not enter the Pearl Palace at all?

The demon king whispered.


'Oh, yes. It's very suspicious.'

What the hell is that Holy Emperor guy up to?

If he had known it would be like this, he would have been a little more active in researching this and that while the demon king was able to detect the soul. After finishing the meal feeling uncomfortable, Seongjin sighed.

Well, now he had to think about it alone, so there's no way to know what's going on. Whatever the reason, the fact that the restrictions were lifted immediately after meeting him must mean that Seongjin's impression in the audience yesterday was not too bad. He guessed he thought it would be less rotten if he's let loose.

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