CH 5

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Around the time Seongjin was getting used to the new life little by little while doing physical training in the corner of the room, rumors began to circulate in the imperial palace that the prince had become a little strange.

It was because in the past, Pearl Palace, which had never been quiet due to the sound of swearing in a loud voice and the sound of breaking objects, was as calm as a windless water surface for several days.

At first, even those who thought that he had no energy to act evil after he was ill, gradually began to notice the change in the prince.

"I heard he doesn't complain about the food at all? In the past, it was rather rare that the table was not spilled."

"In the past, he made a fuss from time to time asking for snacks, but these days he doesn't even look for snacks at all. The amount of food was also greatly reduced."

The commotion happened gradually.

Until now, the servants, who had been careful with their mouths as much as possible because of the Queen, who opened her eyes and kept their mouths shut, started pounding cubes here and there to avoid being watched as their peaceful daily life continued.

"Why is he so meek? I'm rather anxious that something might explode."

"They said his memories isn't complete yet? People don't change easily. When he recovers, he will soon act like he used to."

"well. They say that people themselves have changed. He had such a high fever, so maybe his head got a little weird after all?"

"Shh! You're out of your mind, what if someone hears it......"

And all such rumors were being reported to the chief chamberlain through the eyes and ears densely spread within the imperial palace.

"... What a strange thing."

After hearing the reports from the attendants, Chief Chamberlain Louis rested his chin on his head and thought.

"It is said that it is not uncommon for a person to have such a complete personality change after suffering from a high fever or trauma."

Even as the attendant added, Louis shook his head in silence.

Prince Morres' change was certainly surprising and welcome.

However, the chief chamberlain was rather concerned about the Holy Emperor's attitude towards him rather than the prince's change.

He has been by his side every single day since the young Holy Emperor ascended the throne. So, he was well aware of how diligently the Holy Emperor put his heart and soul into managing the Pearl Palace without any variable.

Employees were directly nominated, and visitors were strictly limited. The resident driver who manages the accounting books separately and is in charge of security was also selected by directly reviewing the application documents.

That's why, in spite of Prince Morres' sudden change, it was rather strange that he had been quietly watching without any comment until now.

The reason for the change must have been due to the unexpected fever, but would it be too much of a doubt if he considered that this was also under the control of his master?

"It's time for Prince Morres's audience."

He guessed he should visit the prince in person before that and take a closer look.

Touching his smooth-shaven chin, the chief chamberlain made that decision.

* * *

"Did you have a good night?"

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