CH 31

34 2 0

Crash crash crash-

The thick tentacles pop up here and there and knocks on the stone wall. The caterpillar, deprived of food and suddenly hit by a blade, switched to the maximum attack posture to exclude the enemy.


Seongjin clicked his tongue as he quickly lowered his stance to avoid one of the tentacles that had been swung wide sideways.

If it was Seongjin in his prime, he would have closed the distance in a single step and smashed his core with a single punch, but in his current state, it was not easy to dig into the vicinity of the caterpillar. It is not easy to set foot properly thanks to the roots that have become more wobbly.

Seongjin, who hit a tentacle flying in front of his nose with his sword while turning his body sideways, slid backwards as if he was tumbling back while avoiding the tentacle that flew in behind him. After tapping and beating like this, a sense of crisis came over him that it might really be attempting an incomplete metamorphosis.

If he can only tell where the head is.

Seongjin frowned as he rolled to the side to avoid the successive tentacles.

It looked like chewed gum, but surprisingly, it also had a basic digestive system and nervous system. It has a mouth and eyes, and there is also a part that can be called a head. And in his back of the head is an important organ he needs to break first.

Bartosh. Its official name is the Bartolomeo organ.

It is a transforming organ of the nervous system that is commonly found in clustered monsters.

In the early days of the Gehenna Gate incident, there were times when its own research was actively conducted, such as dissecting monsters and analyzing specimens.

Of course, the research faded after they learned that there was no solution other than killing all the superhumans. It was also the cause that the intellectuals capable of systematic research died one by one.

Anyway, after it was known that the transparent coffin-like crystal found in the back of the monster was a channeling organ, the hunters first learned the location of Bartosh and how to break it when they first went hunting.

It was because the difficulty of hunting doubled when the demonic spirits launched a linked attack through channeling.

'For now, let's shave off the covered flesh as much as possible.'

Seongjin made up his mind as he cut off the two long-shot tentacles with one sword. If most of that rubber clay-like mass of flesh comes off, you will be able to tell where the head is.

Fortunately, the blade of the sword he was holding was quite good, so there was no great difficulty in cutting the outer skin of the caterpillar.

Of course, some of the knights' supplies were of good quality, but there was no way they could easily cut through that thick monster's flesh with just a simple piece of metal. This was possible because the blade was covered with Aura.

Seongjin didn't recognize it properly, but he was overlaying Aura on the blade as a trick to deal with the monster's spirit.

'Somehow, I think my cutting skills have improved compared to before?'

Is it the effect of formally learning swordsmanship?

While he was vaguely thinking about that, he was trimming the small roots of the caterpillar, when he heard urgent footsteps in the distance, and Marthain ran into the room.

"Your Highneess!"

Marthain's eyes widened as he ran inside screaming vigorously. It was because the prince was swinging his sword as he hopped between things that looked like turbulent black dough.

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