CH 30

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'Fuck me......'

These are the words that came to Jonathan McCalpen's mind as soon as he saw [it].

The last time he saw it three days ago, it was just a black mass the size of a man. It wriggles when you touch it, and occasionally emits a strange moan like 'queaek'.

But what about now? It was bulky enough to occupy more than one-third of the room. It swelled more than six times in a few days. The surface of [it] continues to ripple black as if it were the surface of a stormy lake.

In addition, tentacles or roots extending from [it] were densely entangled in the room like a spider's web. Strangely shining moss that had not been seen before is spread in a deep blue color as if to cover the area around it.

Something is wrong. Something is going very wrong. What the hell has happened here in the past three days?

It wasn't just Jonathan who was surprised. The other prophets are also looking around with bewildered faces, as if this is a sight they have never seen before.

Only Kenneth Diggory, the creator of this surreal landscape, was watching them with a gentle smile.

'I shouldn't have set foot in a place like this in the first place......'

Jonathan backed away in a cold sweat, but Prince Morres passed him and stepped in front of Kenneth.

"The caterpillar of Bantra Moss. Fortunately, the channel isn't open yet."

He was more calm than expected. His face was a little hardened, Jonathan thought, but he looked a little angry rather than nervous. Maybe it was because of his eyes, which became fiercer after he lost weight.

Prince Morres.

The shame of the Holy Imperial Family, the biggest trash in Delcross.

Compared to the last time they met two months ago, the prince now looked like a completely different person. At first, Jonathan said he was wondering if he was right.

As if it wasn't just his appearance that had changed, he, who would have been making a fuss before looking for Jonathan, is now just quietly moving his eyes and scanning the entire room.

Before long, the gray eyes that met Kenneth again were not fear or astonishment, but pure doubt.

"Why is a monster of Gehenna here?"

Ahahaha. Kenneth laughed loudly and happily.

"You know this? It is as the Sage said! He said that perhaps the prince would be able to share our mysteries with him. Indeed, bringing you here was not a wrong choice!"


"Yes, soon you will be able to see him too."

Kenneth said that and slowly started walking toward [it]. The roots-like things tangled on the floor wriggled violently as if they were earthworms the moment his feet stepped on them.

"Brothers, chosen prophets. There's nothing to be afraid of! Evidence that our mystery is getting closer to the moment of truth has only now emerged."

Kenneth, coming up close to [it], turned to the prophets and said.

"Everything is according to the prophecy of the Sage."

His hard face was filled with unprecedented confidence, and for a moment Jonathan wondered if he was being overly frightened.

As expected, the members who were not sure what to do and kept an eye on it noticeably regained their stability.

"Everything is according to the prophecy of the Sage."

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