CH 17

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The place where they arrived to after following the Holy Emperor was a one where the word backyard was put to shame.

No, can he even dare call this place a garden?

Just in the middle of a wide open green lawn, sparse garden trees stand as if they sprouted in a drought. Even that is a meager number that can be counted on one hand.

What is this desolate backyard? Is it a soccer field?

The Holy Emperor, who managed to notice Seongjin's bewildered gaze, said.

"Sometimes this place is used instead of a gymnasium."

Indeed. Next time, he'll ask him to look at his swordsmanship here.

In the middle of the lawn, there was a small table that was too small to be called a dining table.

As the two settle down, the servants of the main palace come out belatedly and prepare a simple meal on the table. Seongjin had planned to skip lunch, but when he saw the neatly prepared food, he felt hungry for no reason.

The two started eating without saying anything.

"Hasn't there been much progress in training?"

Seongjin, who was eagerly chewing and swallowing a piece of meat, looked at the Holy Emperor in surprise.

This guy was like a ghost.1

He went on nonchalantly, putting the knife down on an untouched plate.

"Several days have passed since the skilled knight commander was sent, but you haven't even formed an Aura core, let alone pile up layers."

Seongjin blinked his eyes. It was because he thought that the Holy Emperor's words were strangely specific.

Sir Marthain and Doctor Ninnias simply said that his aura activity was weak, but why does this guy seem to have a fairly detailed grasp of the level of energy in his body?

Maybe this is it.

"Apart from indirectly guessing through Aura initiation, is there a way to know exactly what level of Aura someone else has accumulated?"

"It's usually hard to tell unless you deliberately show it outside, but......"


"It is not that there is no way at all."

Seongjin grinned and showed his teeth.

He was certain that he had come to the right person.

"Yes, Marthain did such a trick."

When he talked about the recent training situation, the Holy Emperor slightly raised the corner of his mouth. Whether it's a smile or a sneer, it's an ambiguous response.

"The approach was not bad. And then?"

"Yes, rather than progress, I think I got a clue."

"A clue."

"That's right."

Seongjin wiped his mouth with a napkin and looked at the Holy Emperor for a while, then tilted his head slightly toward him and said quietly.

"That... Father. People say that my Aura is bizarrely thin. So, for some reason, I suspect that the Aura inside my body has already been depleted."


"Of course, just in case. Are there any constitutions in the world that do not accumulate Aura?"

He thought it would be a relief if he didn't get scolded for saying things that weren't trivial in his heart. However, the Holy Emperor's reaction upon hearing that was surprising.

Children of the Holy EmperorWhere stories live. Discover now