CH 8

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Seongjin sat down and stared at the Holy Emperor in silence for a while. It was an expression of his will to gauge his intentions as much as possible.

It was the most disrespectful look on his son's face, but the Holy Emperor didn't seem to care as he lifted the teacup in front of him.

His face as he looked into the tea without drinking was so indifferent that Seongjin immediately doubted whether the person in front of him had emotions.

The silence between the two was broken when the Holy Emperor set the teacup down on the table.

"Don't like it? Didn't you usually enjoy eating?"


What? Were you suspicious of this?

Seongjin thought about it and called him cautiously.

"... That, father?"

"Yes, Morres."

In an instant, his pulse went blank. He was nervous about something, but the other person really seemed to have no idea.

'Well, it's a bit questionable, but you're going to treat me like a son, right?'

For some reason, Seongjin felt like he was going to be what he was, so he picked up a cookie in front of him.

If he didn't eat it, he thought he'd keep noticing, and it's a pity since it's already prepared.

Munch munch.


It's more delicious than he thought?

Does the body that lost fat after a few days of dieting want sugar, or is it similar to Morres' original taste that Sungjin didn't even know about.

Decades of living mainly on preserved food on a planet that was devastated by the invasion of monsters. The desserts that the royal chef put the soul into were enough to satisfy his desolate taste buds.

Seongjin admired and tasted various kinds of desserts. In the meantime, the Holy Emperor would look at Seongjin without saying anything and would sip tea from time to time.

Only then could Seongjin take some time to observe the Holy Emperor.

'At first glance, he looks young and docile.'

Perhaps because of his strangely cool eyes, he doesn't look young at all. In reality, he may not be that young. Edith once told him that aging slows down when an Aura user reaches a certain state.

If so, how strong is he? Even for Seongjin, who had a history of fighting for decades, the decision was not easy.

In the case of Edith and the resident knights of the Pearl Palace, if they could regain some of their physical strength, they were confident enough to try rubbing it without an aura. Needless to say, it is possible to crush if it is in the state of absorbing the magic beast's spirit.

However, in the case of the Holy Emperor, it was ambiguous. He didn't feel any strong momentum, but when he tried to find a gap, it was strangely awkward.

Above all, Seongjin's intuition, forged in a long battle, continues to sound an alarm toward the Holy Emperor.

'This must mean that he's strong enough to be hard to measure, right?'

If possible, let's not stretch out on this guy1. Seongjin made that decision.

After that, an awkward father-son conversation ensued.

"That's right, how have you been?"

"What... I have been doing physical training, and I am thinking of losing some weight."

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