CH 13

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Chief Chamberlain Louis entered the office and was startled. It was because the Holy Emperor was lying on the sofa in his office with his hand on his forehead.

It was a rare look from the young holy emperor.

When he saw the chessboard lying on one side of the table, he smiled knowingly.

"Come to think of it, today was the day the twin princess and prince had an audience. Did you play chess again?"

Nate let out a murmur.

"It's getting more and more difficult to deal with those two. Can't they simply play like children?"

"Isn't it something you can just lose?"

"If I don't do my best, it's a problem because they'll notice it like a ghost."

Well, they were very intelligent twins. The chamberlain nodded his head.

"By the way, what about Amelia?"

Louis knew that the Holy Emperor had been keenly aware of the situation at the Silver Rose Labyrinth recently.

Two mornings ago, the First Princess had a sudden seizure and called the imperial doctor. Although he had heard reports of no particular abnormalities in her health.

"They says she eats less and is a little depressed."


"And I heard that she visited the Pearl Palace twice."

"... That is surprising."

Two children who never seemed to get close started coming and going. It's certainly a welcome thing, but it would rather prove that what happened to Amelia wasn't just a change of heart.

Nate sighed as he got up from the couch.

"It would be nice if she could tell me what the hell is going on at the audience tomorrow."

At that time, the Holy Emperor could not even imagine what kind of trouble his lovely daughter would bring him.

* * *

Unwillingly, the direction of a naive girl's life changes completely, and thanks to this, her father is going to grab the back of his neck1.

However, Seongjin, the culprit behind all of this, was heading to the gymnasium with a throbbing heart, unaware of anything. This is because the swordsmanship class with Marthain, who has finally finished taking over, has begun.

He's was a little sorry for the adjutant who took on the duties of the knight commander. However, being able to have one-on-one lessons with a motivated swordsmanship teacher all day long was an opportunity that would not have been easily obtained if it were not for the prince.

Seongjin was a little impatient because he wanted to come in contact with the unknown power to come quickly.

After a couple of laps around the empty gymnasium without a resident engineer training somehow, Seongjin finished his warm-up with his usual national gymnastics. However, Marthain, who was watching him closely, wrinkled his forehead.

"Your Highness, is it okay if we continue the class as it is? Aren't you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

"Huh? I'm fine though? Why?"

Now he's got some strength and he can move.

Seongjin was puzzled and asked, and Marthain asked again.

"Are you sure you have fully recovered from the fever?"

"The doctor said it was okay to exercise. Why, is something wrong?"

Children of the Holy EmperorWhere stories live. Discover now