chapter 1

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Barcelona, Spain,
• Xxx POV •
Stepping out of the airport, I set foot on the hot asphalt of Barcelona. I put on sunglasses to hide my still swollen eyes from sleep. I slept through the entire journey from Manchester to Barcelona. The buzzing of traffic joined the ringing of my phone just a second after I turned off airplane mode. Countless notifications about missed calls and messages instantly filled the screen. It was expected after I silently left for Spain in the middle of the night. I might appear unemotional from the outside, but I hate goodbyes because they always hit me hard. And when we add everything that happened and the hell my family went through, this escape might not be the best but the only choice if I want to be happy again.

While waiting for my transportation to the hotel where I'm staying until I find an apartment, I scrolled through messages. There were plenty from mom, dad, Marcus my brother...
Among all of them, I chose Marcus. I opened our chat, greeted with a barrage of messages asking "where I am" and "if I'm okay." I managed to type a simple "hey" before receiving a call from him. I answered, and on the other end, I heard his scared and angry voice.
Me: Hey, bro.
Marcus: Don't "hey, bro" me, you idiot. Do you want to send us all to the grave prematurely? Where are you, and why aren't you answering anyone?!
I swallowed hard as I knew a heavy lecture awaited me.
Me: Well, first, calm down. Everything is fine; I'm okay and whole.
Marcus: What do you mean calm down? You're crazy; come home immediately!
Me: Well, there's a tiny little problem.
Marcus: What exactly?
Me: The problem that I'm not in Manchester.
He raised his voice a bit more, that even some people around me heard and looked at me strangely.
Me: Slow down, Marc. I'll tell you everything; just calm down dont shout I'm in the middle of the street.
Marcus: I don't care; quickly tell me where you are. Are you with grandma?
Me: No I am not in England. I'm in Spain, Barcelona, to be precise.
Marcus: WHAT, ARE YOU SERIOUS? Why are you there?!
Me: Well, I'd say if don't interrupt me every second or two. This choice wasn't made overnight. For months, Barcelona has been offering me a position in their club. I thought about whether to accept it or not, and since nothing ties me to England anymore, except you guys, I realized it's time to make a decision.
Marcus: Oh dear God, why didn't you tell us? We were terrified. You didn't contact anyone and just disappeared in the middle of the night. You have no idea what went through our minds.
Me: I know, Marc, and I'm sorry, but I had to. I couldn't stay there anymore; I couldn't see him every day knowing there's no place for me in his heart, and I've caused enough damage to you. It's time for a new beginning.
Marcus: Yes, but what if it doesn't work out?
Me: I'll make it work. Besides, I'd rather regret trying than not trying at all.
Now, excuse me; my ride has arrived. We'll talk later.
Marcus: Uh, okay, take care, and be sure to contact me again.
Me: I will, don't worry. Kisses.
I said and closed the chat just in time when the taxi pulled up in front of me. The driver immediately got out, took my suitcases, placed them in the car, and opened the door for me to get in. As we drove I was staring through the window, I admired the beauty of this city. It's even more beautiful in person than in pictures. And something tells me that I'll truly enjoy this.

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