chapter 5

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Bella's POV
We talked with Felix, and I couldn't help but notice Natalia's smile throughout the entire conversation with him. At one point, another guy approached us-Fermin Lopez, to be precise. He hugged Felix and greeted us with a smile.

Fermin: Hello, ladies, and the lucky guy who wants them all to himself without introducing us to them. Well, we all know Natalia, but who's the young lady next to her?

He asked, looking at me, and just as I was about to respond, Felix jumped in.

Felix: This is Bella; she's our new journalist.

Fermin: Oh, I didn't know journalists could be this beautiful.

He said, and I chuckled, realizing his attempt.

Me: Nice to meet you.

I said, extending my hand, which he gladly accepted.

Fermin: I'm even more pleased. Come, let me introduce you to the others since Felix is quite occupied at the moment.

He said, alluding to the two engrossed in their conversation. I nodded, and together we approached three players standing a bit away.

Fermin: Guys, this is Bella, our new addition.

He introduced me, and the three exchanged glances. Pablo Gavi was the first to approach, shaking my hand.

Gavi: Welcome to the club! What position do you play?
He asked and Ferran added enthusiastically.
Ferran: Isn't it obvious? She plays forward; just look at her.

He said, and I managed to hold back my laughter until the third one, who had been silently observing me, spoke up.

Pedri: Are you two normal? It's clear she doesn't play.

Me: Well, you are right I dont..

I started but then got interrupted as Pedri continued, making a unexpected statement wich left me speachless.

Pedri: She doesn't play on this field,

He said and I looked at him confused, and the others waited for an explanation.
Me: What do you mean?
I asked.
Pedri: Oh, come on, Rashford, don't play dumb. You know what I mean.
Me: If I knew, I wouldn't ask, Gonzales.

I replied a bit irritated. Because this kind of behaviour is starting to anoy me.
Pedri: ooh stop with that please. Why dont you tell us how did you ended up here? Why would you leave you beloved Liverpool?
Ferran: umm Pedri what are you talking about?
Gavi: yes how do you know all that?
They started to ask and he wanted to tell something but I got faster. Because I saw in wich direction this conversation is going.
Me: he got it from having boring life so he need to put his nose in other people business. Maybe you could try to investigate why your girlfriend left you instade of that. Oh wait you dont need to cuss its easy to guss it. Arogant little footballers like you are impossible to tolerate. Now excuse me I need to go. It will be better to meet all of you some other day.
I said and turned to go when I heard his sarcastic laugh.
Pedri: well well well, yeah what other could cheater do then defend other cheater. But one thing interest me so much. What did you use as excuse for your break up with Trent. Did you toled him like " sorry love your money and fame wasnt enough for me so I needed to go and jump on Marcus".
He said and in next moment I did something what I would never even dream about I would. I turned around and in few steps I was infront of him. I gave him disacusted look and then slap him soo hard that the hit was heard even in England.
Me:You said this now and never again. How dare you to speak about it like that. You are laying and speaking nonsences about me. Firstly thats not your or anyones business to talk about why and how my relationship ended. And secondly if you really need and want to then please inform yourself about it. Because if you did it you would know that Marcus who you assume as the one with who I suppostedly cheated on my boyfriend is my own brother. Wich is pretty logical if you think about it cuss we have the same last name but thats not important now. Most important thing is dont provoke me and keep yourself out of the things wich are not your problem.
I said and without any other word I turned around and started to heading to the exit. And Natalia started running after me.

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