chapter 23

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".. and we're tied," he said, and I scoffed in annoyance.

Me: Ugh, that's not fair!
Pedri: Fair or not, that's how it is. But now we need to figure out how to resolve this. Do we go for another round, or should we make a compromise?
Me: Tell me what you have in mind, and then I'll decide.
Pedri: Well, in that case, how about this... if you're up for a compromise, you'll have to wear my jersey in one game and post a story in it and I'll fulfill your wishes for an entire day.
He said, looking at me, waiting for my response.

Me: Hmm, I have to admit, surprisingly fair proposal you've made. So, I'm in, but... only because I feel sorry for you; I can see you can't handle more. Your stamina is weak.
I said, and he rolled his eyes.

Pedri: Not everyone would agree with that, including my ex.
Me: Well, that's not something to be proud of. You basically called yourself a male slut. Moreover, those tricks won't work on me. Only fools and people with no self-respect fall for that. You can't impress me with the fact that you can't keep it together down there.
You talk to me about loyalty and criticize me based on a stupid newspaper headline, but look at what you're doing. It's not surprising your girlfriend left you. She realized what an idiot you are and decided to save herself.
I said, and he remained silent, looking away. Which meant I was right, and maybe I was too harsh, but he deserved it.

Pedri: Whatever, here you go.
He said after 5 minutes of silence, throwing one of his jerseys with his name on it.
Me: You're aware that I can always buy a new one; you don't have to give me yours. Who knows how dirty this one is and where it's been.
I said.
Pedri: I know, but the point is for you to wear jersey that really is mine. Don't worry; I'm not messy. Every jersey and everything I wear is always neatly washed. And that one has never been used, so you'll be the only one wearing it.
Me: I would say it's strange, but judging by your disgusting behavior and massive ego, it's not surprising that you haven't given it to anyone else before.
Pedri: Well, judging by your long tongue, it's no wonder you're a journalist.
He said, and I laughed.
Me: I'm just honest, plus everything I said is true.
Pedro: yeah yeah but let me clear something for you.You don't know anything about me, blondie, because if you did, you'd talk differently. But let's not delay any longer. See you at the game tomorrow.
He said, winking at me, and left. I went to the locker room, changed, and headed home alone. However, just a minute after I walked out on the streat and started walking, a black Porsche pulled up beside me. The window rolled down, and I saw Pedri.
Me: you again? Haven't you left already?
Pedri: Well, as you can see, I haven't. I started to, but I ran into you again. Come on, don't talk too much; I'll drive you home.
Me: Hah, no way. Even if my apartment were miles away, I wouldn't get into your car. Then you'd boast about sparing me the walk home.
I said and continued walking, but he caught up again and stopped next to me.
Pedri: Bella, don't be silly. As much as you annoy me, I can't let you walk alone this late.
I: Don't worry about me; I can take care of myself. And don't act all nice.
Pedri: I'm not acting; I would never let any woman walk alone in the street at night. So stop being stubborn and get in the car.
He said, but I continued in my own way. But he didn't want to give in either, so a few seconds later, I heard the car door open and slam shut, followed by footsteps behind me. Then I felt a pair of arms around my waist, and in the next few seconds, I found myself in his arms.
Me: What are you doing? Let me go now!
I started to struggle and scream at him but nothing he didnt care about it.
Pedri: I have do this because with you, there's no other way.
He said and carried me into the car. He than placed me in the passenger seat. Soon after he was behind the wheel, and started car.

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