chapter 31

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Pedri: You seem to be obsessed with me, making every effort to find yourself in my hands.
He said, laughing, and I rolled my eyes.
Me: Just because you're in love with yourself doesn't mean everyone else is. Besides, no one told you I needed your help.
Pedri: Well, you are right about that, because you'd rather die than admit you need assistance. Fortunately for you, I'm not that bad person, so I'll be kind and help you get to your apartment. Even without you asking for it.
Me: Oh, what would I do without you?
Pedri: Nothing, you'd lie there whimpering, clutching that unfortunate ankle of yours.
He said as we entered the building.
Pedri: Which floor?
Me: Third.
I said, and he called the elevator, and got into the same one with me in his arms.
Soon, we found ourselves in front of my and Natalia's apartment. I unlocked the door, and he carried me into the living room, gently placing me on the couch.
Me: Thank you.
I said, and he chuckled.
Pedro: What? Did I just hear a thank you from you?
Me: You did.
I mumbled.
Pedri: Miracles seem to be actually happening, but let me check that ankle. Or...maybe not. My job is done. You've safely arrived home. I wouldn't want to bother you any longer, and I'm not welcome here anyway. You can handle it on your own.

He said and started to leave, but I began to curse myself for the words I was about to say, knowing I would regret them.

Me: Stay.

I said reluctantly, and he turned around.

Pedri: What, didn't hear you clearly. Did you say something?

He asked with a huge grin on his face, aware that he had succeeded. He got what he wanted.

Me: I said, stay. I can't be alone with this kind of foot.

Pedri: I didn't hear the magic words.

He said, and I rolled my eyes.

Me: Idiot.

Pedri: No, not that. Try again, but without insults.

Me: Pedri!

Pedri: I like the way you say my name, but that's not it. Come on, you know what to say.

Me: Ugh, how annoying you are.

Pedri: You are who you're with; that's how it goes. Come on, those are two little sweet words everyone knows. Just sqy them and evrything will be good.

Me: ugh Fine, please stay.

Pedri: See, it wasn't that hard.
Of course, I want to. Let me take a look at that ankle.

He said, crouching beside me and gently running his fingers over my ankle. And I started to make grimace.

Pedri: It seems like nothing is broken, but you've twisted it badly. Does this hurt?

He asked after a few minutes, slowly lifting my foot, and I yelped, digging my nails into his hand. Realizing what I had done, I pulled my hand away. As fast as I can. He was looking at the place my hand were like seconds ago. And I started to feel embarrassed.

Me: Sorry, it was accidental. I didnt want to do it at purpouse. I just...
I started apologizing but he interrupted me by saying..

Pedri: No worries. Its okey. Don't move; I'll get some ice.

He said and stood up.

Me: Third door on the right.

I said when I saw his confused face. He nodded and left, returning a minute later with an ice pack in his hands. He placed a small stool with a pillow on it infront of me then gently lifted and leaned my leg on it and then applied the ice.

Pedri: This will reduce swelling. If it hurts a lot, you might want to take some pain reliever.

Me: I'm not sure if we have any.

Pedri: Oh well, too bad... Actually, no, I have it in the car. Constant injuries taught me something. I'll go get it.
He said and left, and I took my phone to message Natalia, wondering when she'd be back. But as expected, I received no reply, meaning she wouldn't return until tomorrow.
Pedri: Why the gloomy face now? Did you missed me already I haven't been gone for more than five minutes.
He said, entering and handing me a bottle of water and some tablets.
Me: You have no idea how much I missed you. Come on, while you're here, fetch my laptop. Unfortunately, even with an injured foot, I have to work. The job won't finish itself.
Pedri: Am I a waiter now?
Me: You volunteered to stay and help me, didn't you? So, stop complaining and do as I said.
Pedri: Well, what can I do I'm a sympathetic person. I felt sorry for you.

Me: Oh yeah you are the biggest sympath I have ever known. Please stop spare me your pity. You and sympathy are two different worlds.
Pedri: Is it ?okay then if I'm so terrible get up yourself and take what you need.
He said, sitting in a chair across from me and grabbing his phone. I rolled my eyes in irritation and blow air
.Pedri: It'll stay that way if you keep rolling them.
He said without taking his eyes off his phone.
Me: oh trust me I would love it, I wouldn't have to look at you, which would make my life easier.
I said, trying to stand up, but sharp pain shot through my entire leg. So I sitted back down again.
Me: Damn it!
I cursed, and he then added at it

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