36 chapter

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After I finished the boring part with writing the texts and all I went outside and came to the field. Which I was not very happy about because I know I will see the certain gentleman in but unfortunately I can't do anything about it. I can't avoid him because he still plays for Barcelona and is one of the key players. So about not seeing him on the field, that's impossible. Unless he's injured, which has been happening a lot lately. Especially the last injury lasted a long time. But he came back looking stronger after all that. Although everyone thought that after that period he would not be able to return to his old ways, but he proved the opposite because he is playing better and better.
I got to the field and I had something to see, the break was in progress and Felix and Natalia were talking as usual. Seeing that, I decided to approach Ferran and Gavi. These two are among my favorites here. Always smiling and in the mood for a chat.
Me: hey guys.
I said walking up and they smiled at me.
Ferran: oh hey Bella.
Gavi: hi, where are you half way through training I thought you weren't working again?
Me: I finished some small things and here I am now. How are you coping with today's training, what is planned today?
Ferran: conditioning
He said sadly because it means they are without the ball today.
Me: it's a shame, but I see that you miss someone, where is he..
Gavi: no we dont, he was working on bicycles...
Pedri: yes I did this regular cardio because the one I wanted just fights with me so it's impossible. Because it tires me both physically and mentally before we even start.
He said appearing behind me out of nowhere.
I turned to him and he was holding a towel around his neck while his face was all red and his clothes were all stuck to his body from sweat. But she blinded herself so that all the muscles were clearly outlined.
Ferran: Well, I'm going to get water.
Gavi: wait for me.
He shouted, running after him, and Pedri and I were left standing there alone, looking at each other.
Me: you had to come?
Pedri: Well, you asked where I was and you got an answer.
Me: and you heard it all the way on the other side of the field?
Pedri: Well, not really, because I went to get water, so I wasn't on the other side of the field. But yes I heard. But let it go now, I'm interested in why you care where I am?
He said and his famous smile slowly formed on his face.
Me: don't flatter yourself. You're with them all the time, so it was weird that you weren't together today, that's all. Besides, you are the one who should be questioned. What does the cardio thing mean ? What are you trying to say with that me and yu..
Pedri: wow wow take it easy, who said it was about you? As far as I know, I didn't mention any name, you found yourself in it. If I said that someone is arguing with me, it does not mean that it is only you. But you took it that way because you would like it to be that way, wouldn't you blonde?
He asked in a whisper playing with the buttons of my shirt. And his gaze was fixed on my cleavage. Because of which I automatically pushed him away and buttoned up my jacket.
Me: perverted idiot!
I shouted and he laughed.
Pedri: what is it now?
Me: like you don't know what it is. Ugh you really..
I started to yell at him and then a ball that was next to him caught my eye and I took it and kicked it at him with all my might. She hit him between the legs and he began to bend over in pain.
Pedri: what the hell is wrong with you, you're really not normal, you're going to pay me for this?!
Me: yes yes if you survive this first.
I said that then turned and left.
Pedri POV
Me: little blond witch!
I called after her and Ferran came up to me soon.
Ferran: are you okay?
He asked and I shot him a look.
Me: come on, I'm really great. I'm just cringing in pain like that.
I said sarcastically.
Ferran: well don't get angry right away I was just asking. What did you do to her to kick you like that?
Me: the worst thing is not with her foot, I think in a way it is because she kicked the ball at me. She has a pretty strong shot for such a small girl.
Ferran: those are the most dangerous, especially those who know how to handle the ball. Did you say something to her or did she hit you like that just for fun? I mean, I doubt it's the second option, but come on.
Me: well you heard what I said.
Ferran: ooo it was because of that, well, realistically, that joke was very stupid, I think you know how girls are, they don't understand it the way we do.
Me: yes, but I didn't say anywhere that it was about her.
Ferran: but you thought it.
He said and I looked at him confused
Me: huh what?
Ferran: don't be silly, you know I'm right. You didn't say that for nothing. You didn't directly say who it was, but it's clear even to the birds on the branch that you meant her by that. Bella is not a stupid girl. On the contrary, she is very intelligent and grasps everything quickly. So it's your own fault you got beaten up.
He said and I rolled my eyes.
Me: yes yes now you are also on her side.
Ferran: oh wait, you said that too?! Who doesn't support you either?
Me: Ferr
I said sullenly and a little angry.
And he started laughing.
Ferran: aww, then you're in serious trouble when even your own brother doesn't support you. What did he tell you?
Me: similar to you but it has nothing to do with the brain. There's no way I like that witch.
Ferran: I wouldn't really say it, but good.
Me: Ferran!
Ferran: what? Brother, you can see for miles that...
Me: let's change the subject!
I said cutting him off in mid sentence.
Ferran: but..
Me: no, but that topic is closed.
I said and started to say something else but the whistle blew and Xavi called us to gather around him.

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