chapter 17

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Natália POV
After my question, she stormed out of the car like a fury. She said she was fine, but I'm sure she's not. Something has deeply unsettled her, and I must find out what. I turned to João, who was already looking at me. As I began to say something, he grabbed my hand and said,
João: Don't worry, I understood everything. I hope she'll be okay. If you need anything, feel free to call me.
Me: thank you
João: No problem, and thank you for a wonderful evening. We have to repeat all this but next time in a different setting.
He said and winked, giving me a smile. I felt a rush of blood to my cheeks, my heart pounding, and a million butterflies in my stomach.

Me: Are you...?
I started hesitantly.

João: Yes, I call you to go out. Of course, if you want?

He said, looking at me, waiting for my reaction. I was surprised by what I heard and fell silent for a moment. I waited for him to say it was all a joke and not serious, but it didn't happen.

João: And?
He asked again, and I jerked, saying,

Me: I want, I mean, I agree. I had a great time with you, and I'd love to go out.

João: Okay then, lovely lady, see you tomorrow after practice if you don't have any other plans.

Me: No I dont have any ,I'm free.

João: Great, then I'll pick you up around 8.

Me: Okay, see you tomorrow then.

I said, kissing him on the cheek, and he smiled.

João: See you.

He waved as I got out of the car, waiting a few more minutes before leaving. It was really sweet and gentlemanly of him. Of course, once I got inside the building, I immediately started jumping for joy. But then I remembered Bella, so I ran up the stairs as fast as I could. I know that she didnt want to say anything infront of him because she didnt want to ruin our night but she is not alright.
I reached our apartment and entered since the door was unlocked. I went to her room and heard soft crying.

Me: Bells!

I called, but she didn't respond. She was curled up on the bed, crying.

Me: I know I'm annoying, but I want to help you. Tell me what happened. Did someone do or say something to you? If they did, I'll find them and personally take care of it. Whoever it is.

Bella: No one did.

She barely said, but then her phone screen caught my eye. I took it and saw everything. It became clear to me.

Me: Oh, dear Bella. You cried because of this. And here I thought something happened to you when you went to the bathroom. Actually, where did you even disappear after that?

Bella: I didn't want to bother you. You two were adorable, and I wanted at least one person to enjoy this evening.
I can't be happy anyway. So I want you to be.
She said sadly.

Me: Come on, don't talk like that. You can and will be, but the old wound needs to heal first. Everything is still fresh. Besides, I'm sure someone will show up to help you with that if they haven't already. Because, excuse me, but I can't believe that no one approached you last night in that state.

Bella: Well, it's better that no one did.
Me: So someone did approach. Come on, tell me who?
Bella: Who else but that idiot Gonzalez.
Me: He really clings to you. What happened this time?

Bella: As usuall his idiotic self with his usual stupid comments that no one asked for. He took it upon himself to lecture me about what drinks girls should and shouldn't have...

She then told me the whole story, and I could barely hold back laughter. She shut him down effortlessly, but knowing him, he won't let it slide. And from what I see, she won't keep quiet either. They're like horns locked in a sack, just poking each other at evry possible moment.

Pedri POV
After she left, I returned to the table with these guys, but I found only Ferran, Fermin, and Pablo.
Me: Where's Felix?

I asked, standing next to Pablo.

Ferran: I don't know. He said he had to go somewhere but would be back.
Pablo: Yeah, and where were have you been all this time?
Me: I was at the bathroom.
Pablo: Yeah, right, it took you an hour for that...
Me: Never mind. I'm leaving. I'm tired. If any of you want to stay, go ahead, or if anyone wants to join me, feel free.

I said, cutting him off mid-sentence.

Ferran: I'll stay , I don't know about them.
Fermin: Same here.
Pablo: I'll stay with you guys.
Me: Okay, then. See you guys at practice.

I said and then leaved the club and got into my car heading home.

*The next morning*

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