chapter 13

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*A few days later*

Bella's POV
I was sitting in my office and working a
on my laptop, writing an article for this week, when I heard a knock on the door. Before I could say "come in," the door opened, and I saw Natalia.

Natalia: Hey Bells.
She said with her cheerful voice, bringing a smile to my face. She radiates a beautiful positive energy, and it's impossible not to enjoy being around her.

Me: Hey Nat, what's up?
Natalia: Nothing, we have a 10-minute break, so I decided to use it to come and ask you something. I can't wait until we get home.
She said, and I chuckled.

Me: Alright, spill, what's up?
Natalia: Well, I thought we could have a night just for the two of us. Watch a movie, get ready, and go out in the city. We haven't gone anywhere since you arrived. It's about time you experience the nightlife in Spain, and, uh, I heard the guys are going out, too.
She whispered the last part, and I caught it.

Me: Ah, so it's a night for us, with a bit of spying on your boyfriend?
I asked and she started coughing, cus she was having a sip of water at that moment and choked a bit after my comment.

Natalia: Ha, what?
Me: Oh, sorry, I apologize. He's your future boyfriend.
Natalia: No, no, it's not about that, I mean, yes, it is, I mean no...I ...ugh, you always do this!
She complained, getting a bit tangled in her words, and I burst into laughter. I was laughing so hard that I started crying of it.

Me: Sorry, hahaha, I couldn't resist, it's stronger than me.
I said after calming down a bit.

Natalia: Okay, it's fine, but really, it's not just for that. I called you because I genuinely want us to have a good time. We deserve some relaxation and fun after a hectic week, especially since preparations for the Champions League matches start next week, and we won't even have time to eat properly. So, this is our only chance for enjoyment. The other thing is just an extra, maybe.
Me: More like a minus, considering you might get annoyed seeing all those girls around him.
I teased, and she went from cheerful to thoughtful, then worried.

Natalia: Oh no, you're right, I might... Heavens! I didn't think about that.
She started to panic, and I struggled not to burst into laughter again. She noticed the smile I was trying to hide and lightly hit my shoulder.

Natalia: You're still teasing me; you're awful, don't do that, hahahaha. I might cry because, worst of all, that scenario is very possible. He's always kind to everyone.
Me: Yes, your kind charming prince. Anyway, forget about that. When were you planning to execute our plan? Specifically, when are they going out? Who's joining?
Natalia: Tonight, as far as I know, Fermin and Felix are going. I'm not sure about the others. I overheard those two talking about it, but I didn't catch that part.

Me: Pff, you missed the most crucial information, but okay. We still have half an hour until the end... GIRL, YOUR BREAK ENDED 20 MINUTES AGO!
I said, and she smacked her head, realizing the time.

Natalia: I'm in trouble. Hugo will kill me. I'm running; see you at home.
She said, rushing out of my office, and I returned to finishing what I started...

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