chapter 7

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Natalia: Don't, Bella, there's nothing there except...
Realizing she had started saying something she shouldn't, she interrupted herself.
Me: Except what?
I asked curiously and playfully.
Natalia: Um... well... nothing, forget it, you confused me. I don't know what I'm saying because of you.
She said, and I started laughing.
Me: Why am I to blame? I just said what I saw. And there's definitely a dangerous chemistry between you two.
Natalia: Oh, come on. There's more chemistry between me and that stone over there than between him and me. He's always been an unrealized dream for me, and it'll stay that way.
Me: Pff, don't be so sure. I saw the way you look at each other and how he behaves when he's near you. He's definitely into you.
Natalia: No, that's just your imagination. He's kind to everyone, not just me. You saw how he treated you. Besides, if he likes me, why doesn't he say or show it in some way?
Me: Maybe he's not sure about his feelings, or maybe, like you, he thinks you're not interested in him.
Natalia: Mine is more realistic. It's hard for someone like him, chased by millions of girls every day, to think I'm not interested. He's not conceited, but he's well aware of his looks.
Me: Trust me, it's not easy for them, especially if it's a girl they like. They're even more insecure then. I can say that with certainty as a sister and a former girlfriend of a professional footballer.
Also, girl, look at yourself-you're beautiful. I'm sure many would kill just for one look or smile from you, not him. So, chin up.
I said, and she looked at me as her somber face turned brighter. Then, a smile appeared on her face. She hugged me tightly.
Natalia: Thank you so much, you're wonderful. I'm thrilled we met, and I'm sure this will be a wonderful friendship.
Me: Me too, But in all this chaos, I forgot to ask when I start tomorrow.
Natalia: No worries, Veronica told me to inform you that there's no need to come before nine because the guys have training then.
Me: Oh, at least something good. Although, I'm not sure if I still have a job. Considering how Mr. "Silk" is important here, it's tough, but oh well.
I said, and she burst into laughter.
Natalia: What did you call him? Hahaha.
Me: Mr. Silky because he is. He thinks that he is all important and clever but a gentle breeze would upset him.
She started laughing so much that at one point, she held her stomach.
Natalia: Hahaha, oh God, you're incredible. I can't remember the last time I laughed so much. Believe me, even if they fire you, which they won't, I'll personally do everything to get you back. No way am I missing the chance to see someone challenge Pedri's ego. I mean, I love him as a player and appreciate all he does for our Barça, but still, he needs a reality check. And I see you'll be in charge of that. But let's go; everyone has already left, and we're standing here like two crazy people.
Me: Hahaha, you're right, let's go.
Natalia: By the way, where do you live? I mean, where did you settle if you're nearby, we can go together.
Me: Well, I'm in a hotel for now. I haven't found accommodation yet. I didn't plan for everything to happen like this. And then I didn't find anything. But in the next few days, I should sort everything out.
Natalia: You don't have to look for anything.
She said, and I looked at her confused.
Me: What do you mean?
Natalia: Just what I said. You don't have to look for anything; I have an apartment 15 minutes from here. I live alone, and the place is big enough for five people to live in without even crossing paths so am sure it will be enough for just two of us.
Me: But...
Natalia: No "buts." You won't bother me at all. Besides, we'll be working together, so don't worry about a thing. Let's go pick up your stuff and head to my place.
She said, and I didn't know what to say. I couldn't believe I had met such a wonderful person.
Natalia: Bella, hello, do you hear me? Let's go.
She said, shaking me out of my thoughts after five minutes.
Me: Um, yeah, let's go.
I said, and we hailed a taxi and headed off.

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