46 chapter

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I opened the door from the kitchen and my mother, seeing me there, immediately jumped from her chair and ran to hug me.
Mom: Entonces, ¿dónde está mi chico dorado? Pedrito hijo, te extrañé mucho
(So ​​where is my golden boy Pedrito son I missed you so much)
She said hugging me as tight as she could. I smiled back at her and kissed her hair.
Me: here I am mom. I missed you too, how are you both and where is dad anyway Ferr said you are waiting for us with lunch.
Mom: we are fine. There he just went out to the store to bring us some other small things. Sit down I made your favorite.
She said and I smiled widely and walked over to the table to help her set the table. She took out the tapsia from the stove, from which her famous croquettes and paella were sticking out. The intoxicating smell of freshly prepared food immediately spread throughout the house and tempted me to rush into it without waiting for any of them.
Mom: like when you were little.
She commented putting the plates down while I arranged the spoons and glasses. We both laughed at that. When we were younger, I loved helping my mom in the kitchen. Although I was never half as skilled at cooking as Ferr was, I enjoyed the little tasks she gave me. I was glad because I knew that I was making it at least a little easier for her, and the conversation and companionship during all of that meant a lot to me. I was always very attached to my parents, especially my mother. And coming to a big city like Barcelona completely alone as a 17-year-old boy was a big challenge for me. Of course I was happy because that was how I started realizing my dreams, but it was still not easy at all. I had to get used to another city, people, club, everything. And if luck hadn't been on my side that my new teammates accepted me well, I don't know how I would have coped. But I met Pablo, with whom I was inseparable and I am still and soon Ferran came, and now Felix is ​​here. Guys without whom nothing would be the same. Of course, the greatest impression on me was left by one of the biggest and best players in the world - Leo Messi. I will never forget the moment when I entered that dressing room and he was one of the first to approach me. I thought I was dreaming and that it was all just an illusion, but no. He really spoke to me. He offered me his hand and a pleasant smile and welcomed me. He showed me where to put all my things which almost fell out of my hands because I was shaking with shock and excitement. The privilege of playing with him and training with him was something that will be etched in my memory forever and I will never get over his departure. Neither me nor the other millions of fans.
Mom: Pepi, honey, everything is fine, that you don't have any pain?
She asked worriedly.
Me: oh no, mom, don't worry, I'm fine, I'm just a little lost in my thoughts.
Mom: I see.
Ferr: don't worry mother it's like this all day and I know why.
He said with a grin and I glared at him.
Mom: what what?!
Me: never mind, mom, let Fernando talk nonsense.
Xx: who's talking nonsense?
A voice behind me asked. I turned and saw my dad. He was holding bags in his hands.
Me: dad are you here?
Dad: as you can see I am. So where are you my football star?
He asked hugging me.
Me: I'm here, let's sit down and have lunch when we're all together.
Dad: of course, just to put this down where it needs to be.
He said walking past me and putting things down on the desk. And then we all sat down in the dining room and began to eat with the usual conversation on every possible topic.
Dad: so son are you ready for the big game?
He asked, taking a sip of his lemonade.
Me: and more than ready, I can't wait. I am sure we will win. We've been working hard the last couple of days. It will be difficult because the game is played there, but I believe that we will pass this time.
I said wiping myself.
Mom: I'm sure you're right, but please be careful.
Me: don't worry mom of course I will plus we have a good medical team I won't be hurt anymore.
Ferr: and he will recover quickly because Barca has acquired the latest medicine. You know how effective it is.
He said laughing and I gave him a sharp look. But of late, mom and dad were already interested.
Dad: oh really what?
Ferr: one strong and temperamental. Blonde hair and eyes.
Me: Ferr!!!
I exclaimed.
Ferr: what's up, the whole world knows you have a new girlfriend and you're hiding it from us. Instead of you, I found out that you have a girlfriend through the Internet.
He said and I rolled my eyes.
Me: don't talk nonsense. I don't have a new or old girlfriend. Except that you all worry so much about it. After all, it's my business and my life.
If there is any news, I will let you know, don't worry. And you have an older son. Lets worry about his love status a bitt.
I said and Ferr shot me a look. I stretched out my tongue to him and formed "one by one" with my lips.

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