Missed you

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Y/n POV:

I had been away for some time, due to my work for the order of the Phoenix, this last mission had been quite difficult and dangerous. The Death Eaters had caught me, I had escaped after 4 days of endless torture.  Now I'm here, standing before the Burrow's door, hesitating to knock. I remember the last time I was here, when George lost his ear. I sigh and knock and look down, at my feet. I hear the door open and look up.

"Y/n?" Mrs.Weasley asks. 

"Hi, Mrs.Weasley." I say softly. "Is it fine for me to be here?".

"Of course dear, I just wasn't expecting you." She says hugging me tightly. I hug her back and she pulls away. "Do you need to eat, or have anything healed before you go to see everyone?".

"No, thank you though, Mrs.Weasley." I say smiling. "Although I'm nervous.".

"Well dear, I would recommend you go see George, he took you leaving and getting captured really hard." She says as I walk inside.

"Where is he?" I ask nervously.

"He's out back somewhere, I believe. Don't worry everyone will understand.". I nod "Thank you Mrs.Weasley.".

"Anytime dear." She nods and I walk towards the back door, opening it and walking out. I jog outside and stand in the tall grass for a minute. I wonder if he is where we would hang out. I run to the closest tree and pause right before walking up to the tree. I see a leg hanging from the tree and smile. "Georgie?" I whisper. The foot jerks back up into the tree. 

"Merlin now I'm hearing her voice. I'm going crazy." I hear George say and I walk around to the front of the tree. I look up and see him leaning against the trunk of the tree with his eyes closed. He's only four feet off the ground. "Georgie?" I say softly and see his eyes shoot open, he jumps up and falls out of the tree. He lands at my feet. "Shit, are you okay?" I ask and he jumps up.

"I-I swear if this is a joke or a prank, this isn't funny." He says pulling out his wand. "How do I know you aren't a death eater?".

"Ask me something only I would know." I say understanding his hesitation. He pauses caught off guard at my confident response. "What year did I confess how I felt about you?". He asks staring me down. "Year three." I say and he stops, staring at me. "Is it really you?".

"Yeah." I nod and he drops his wand, rushing to me and crushing me in a hug. I smile and hug him back as he picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist.

"I missed you so much." He whispers.

"I missed you too.".

"I'm never letting you go again." He says as I snuggle my head up under his chin. "That's fine with me." I mumble, smelling his cologne. A mix between sweets and spices. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?".

"I'm fine, my wrist just got slightly broken." I say and he pulls away slightly taking my right arm and examining the brace. "Next time we go together." He says and I nod meeting his soft, brown eyes. 

"Dinner!" Mrs.Weasley calls and I go to get down.

"Nope. Nice try, love. I'm keeping you as close to me as I can." He says and I lean up against his chest. We step inside the door and George sets me down, Ginny, Ron, Harry, Fred, Hermione, and Mr.Weasley freeze as they notice me.

"Bloody hell Y/n, no one told us you were gonna be back." Ron says and I freeze.

"Ron! Obviously George would get to see her first. They missed each other." Hermione snaps as she hugs me.

"Well after Mrs.Weasley." I laugh as I hug Ginny really tightly. Harry hesitantly steps toward me and freezes, I glance at George who is watching him very closely. I roll my eyes and briefly hug him. Fred basically tackles me after I let go of Harry. "Hi Freddie." I smile as he squeezes me tightly. "George had a hard time." he whispers and I nod. "I know.". He lets go and we all sit down, Ginny steals Georges seat next to me and Hermione sits on the other side of me. George glares at Ginny as she sticks her tongue out at him as he sits down across from me. Mrs.Weasley hands everyone food and sits down. 

"So how did you escape?" Ron asks and everyone stares at him.

"Ron!" Mrs.Weasley says as I see George glaring at him.  

"What?" Ron asks. "I just wanted to know.".

"I'm going to go use the restroom." I say standing up and leaving the table. I shut the bathroom door behind me and slide down the door. I tried so hard, I tried  to stay strong. To pretend nothing happened. It takes a minute for me to realize that I'm crying, I bring my knees to my chest and cry softly. After a few minutes I hear a knock. "Y/n? You okay?" What I think is Mrs.Weasley asks. I don't respond and I hear her walk away. I hear someone else walk over and stand outside the door. "Baby?". I freeze, the last thing I want is him worrying about me. 

" Y-Yeah?".

"Can I come in?" George asks gently. I move away from the door and he opens it, stepping inside and shutting it behind him. He gently picks me up and sits me on the counter, I bury my face in his chest. "Lovely, why didn't you tell me how much you were hurting?" He asks softly.

"I-i wanted you to think I was strong and not worry about me. I k-know how much you went through while I was g-gone." I stutter. He sighs. "It was really rough for me, but I'm here for you and I would rather us both be a mess and me know that you are struggling then; you lying and pretending to be fine.". 

"I-i'm sorry." I say softly as he rubs my back. "It's fine love. Just next time tell me, Yeah?".

"Yeah." I mumble.

"You wanna go back and finish dinner?" He asks as I pull away slightly and he wipes the tears off my cheeks. "Mhm." I nod and get down. We leave the bathroom and sit back down at the table.

"Sorry, Y/n." Ron says sheepishly and I look up and see George glaring at him. "It's fine Ronniekins." I smile as he turns red and everyone bursts into laughter. When we finish dinner, everyone goes to their own things. Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Harry head upstairs, Fred drags George into a corner and they start whispering about something. Mr. and Mrs.Weasley stay in the kitchen and I walk over to the couch and sit down, closing my eyes as the warmth from the fire washes over me. Suddenly something picks me up and my eyes fly open to George placing me on his lap. I snuggle into his chest and he chuckles. "Are you comfy now, love?".

"Yeah." I nod and he laughs. I sigh and close my eyes, fighting the sleep that I know is coming. "Rest, beautiful I've got you." He mumbles.

"I love you Georgie.".

"I love you too, lovely." I hear him say before I fall asleep.


1213 Words


Didn't feel to great about this one.

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