Escaped part 2

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Y/n's POV:

I wake up hearing muffled crying. I sit up and see George sitting on the end of the bed. "Georgie?" I ask softly. He tenses and I move over to him placing my hand on his back. "I'm right here." I mumble and he wipes at his face. "I shouldn't of let you go, I should've prevented you." He murmurs into his hands. "George, I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere.".

"I had a nightmare..." He says and I flinch. "They had you and made...made me watch as they tortured you and killed you.". 

"I am right here and don't plan on going anywhere." I mumble and he nods. "I'm sorry this is stupid." He says softly as he rubs his face. "Babe it's not stupid, I can only imagine what you went through while I was gone." I say and he sighs softly. "I'm sorry I woke you.".

"Don't apologize." I say and he yawns. 

"Now let's get some sleep." I say laying back down and he lays down next to me. "George." I whisper.

"What?" He asks.

"Come here.".

"You arm is hurt.."

"George Weasley come here so I can hold you." I hiss and he slowly moves over, gently laying his head on my chest as to not hurt me. I gently wrap my arms around him as he wraps his arms around me. He sighs contently as I start to pull my fingers through his fiery hair. I close my eyes as my eyelids start to get heavy. "I love you, lovely." He mumbles sleepily.

"I love you too, handsome." I say softly as I slowly drift off to Dreamland.


269 Words


Welp that happened, I might do a part three.


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