Period 1

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You woke up with a sharp pain in your lower stomach and internally groaned. You slowly and quietly got out of bed, trying to avoid waking George up. As you stand up you notice a fairly large stain on the sheets and sigh.

"Y/n?" George asks groggily, he looks at you and then notices the stain. "Oh sweetheart.". You turn an embarrassed shade of red. "Lovely go get cleaned up I'll take care of this." He says starting to get out of bed.

"Georgie no, It's fine. I'll take care of it." You say softly.

"Love, let me take care of this, go take care of yourself." He says and you nod grabbing a pair of underwear and a pair of sweatpants. You go into the bathroom and apply your choice of a feminine care product. After you finish and wash your hands you grab a hair brush and gently pull it through y/h/t, sighing and putting the brush down. You leave the bathroom and see George placing the pillows back on the bed. "Feeling better?" He says and then notices your slightly flushed cheeks. "You don't need to be embarrassed, baby.". You smile and he hugs you tightly. "Now tell me how can I help my gorgeous girlfriend feel better?" He asks looking down at you. "Do we have any aspirin?" You ask and he nods. "I'll go check." He says leaning down and kissing your forehead. "Get comfy, my love.". You nod and get into bed as he leaves the room. A very sharp cramp hits and you curl into a ball. After a few moments you hear the door open and he places a bottle of aspirin and a glass of water on the nightstand next to you. "They're really bad, huh?" He says as you sit up slowly and he grabs his wand and taps the cloth he is holding.

"Yeah, kinda." You say as you take an aspirin and he gently places the heating pad on your lower stomach. "Can this be a cuddling and relaxing day?" You ask and he nods. "Yeah, Fred and I had already decided to take the day off.". You nod as you burrow under the blankets and he smiles. You cuddle into his side and he gently lays his arm around you being cautious not to put any weight or pressure on your stomach. He gently runs his hands through y/h/c hair. "Sweet dreams my love." He smiles as you start to doze off. "Thank you Georgie." You mumble.

"Anytime baby.".

"I love you babe." You murmur.

"I love you too baby." You hear him say before you fall asleep completely.


435 Words


I dunno how to feel about this one, kinda trash? 

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