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Y/n's POV:

George hadn't hung out with me in a few weeks, he was always with his brother. I had gotten really annoyed when I would try to set up something for us to do and he would blow me off. He and Fred were supposed to come home today. I was in me and George's room, quietly writing letters to friends and sending owls out with orders. I had just received a letter from Ginny asking how everything was.

'Everything is alright I guess, the twins are busy and enjoying themselves. They should be home today from their trip and I am honestly not looking forward to it. George has been blowing me off lately. I try to set something up for us to do and he gets a call or is busy or has a important trip. He's constantly with his brother, and I don't mean to sound like he can't be. Him being with Fred is fine, I just almost never get any time with him. I don't know, I'm wondering if being here and helping them is worth my time. I've been here for a week doing all the work that they needed to do before they left but didn't.


I roll it up an attach the note to one of our owl's leg and he takes off out the window as I lean back and pick up a different letter from Hermione.


We are planning to visit when the twins get back, Ron can't wait to hear about their trip and where they went. Honestly I just can't wait to sit down with you and enjoy some tea, especially talking about the "tea". 

-Hermione Granger'

I quickly scribble a response and send it out the window as another owl, flies through the window and lands on the desk. I take the note from its leg and sigh as I magically gather the order and send it out the window. I rub my forehead and the first owl returns with Ginny's response. I gently untie it and take the letter.


He's been blowing you off? Merlin this git will be the death of me. Personally if Harry ever did anything like that, I wouldn't stand for it. I would try to talk to him tonight, after all if he is just gonna ignore you, then you could move from there. If he does ignore you though, let me know and I'll owl mum. She'll handle him.


 I laugh and fold all the letters, neatly tucking them in a desk drawer. I hear a crack from downstairs, followed by another crack. I sigh and see a red-head appear in the doorway of our bedroom. "Hello Love." George says and I give him a tight smile as I stand up and turn around. "How was your trip?" I ask and he places his suitcase at the bottom of our bed. "It was tiring, but great. We made some more business deals." He says smiling at me as he pulls off his suit jacket and lays it on the bed. "So what did you want to talk about?" He asks and I look at him confused. "Huh?".

"Your smile was pained and didn't reach you eyes like it usually does, and usually that means that you want to talk about something." He says rolling up his button down sleeves.

"Oh so now you notice something is wrong." I say a bit too harshly and he winces. "What are you talking about?" He asks clearly confused.

"For the past few weeks, you've been blowing me off." I mutter and he crosses his arms. "Well Fred and I have been very busy.".

"I know and I'm fine with that, just everything that I try to plan you cancel last minute and come in late." I say suppressing the anger bubbling inside of me. "You've even stopped showing any type of affection to me, I'm starting to question whether being here and helping with the shop is worth my time.". He freezes at the last part and looks at me absolutely heartbrokenly. "You don't mean that, do you?" He asks and I look at the floor. "I warned you two to do all the orders before you two left, again I was ignored and stayed up almost every night trying to keep up with the orders." I sigh and he sits down. "I don't want to keep doing that.". He nods and rubs his face. I sigh and sit down on the rug. "Why didn't you say anything to me?" He asks.

"Because I didn't want to affect your trip and if you ask why I didn't want to do that. It's because I fucking love you so much that sometimes it hurts me. I love you so much that I almost died so you wouldn't have to try to live without Freddie." I say and his head snaps up at me. "You-you risked your life so that I wouldn't have to suffer?" He asks.


822 Words

A/n: don't have much to say but thank you guys for 2.6K that is literally amazing.


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