He accidentally hurts you

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Y/n's POV:

I swear to Merlin this man will be the death of me. I think as I head towards the crowd.

"Fight! Fight!" The students are chanting, I roll my eyes and elbow my way into the circle. I see George on top of Draco, pinning him to the ground. I quickly walk over to them. "George." I say grabbing his arm and he spins elbowing me in the nose. I freeze and he stops, I feel the slick feeling of blood in my nose and feel a sharp throbbing pain start. 

"Shit, I'm so sorry Y/n." He says standing up and Draco takes off. I hold my hand to my nose and wince. I turn and start walking quickly to my dorm, quickly grabbing a washcloth and holding it to my nose. I sit down on my bed and I hear a knock on the door. "Lovely?". I wince as my hand sifts causing more pressure on my nose. "I'm so sorry, I didn't realize it was you. Can I come in?" He asks and I sigh flicking my wand at the door, unlocking it. He comes in quickly and shuts the door. "I'm so sorry Y/n." He repeats as he kneels in front of me and pulls out his wand. "This will hurt for a second, but it will fix your nose.". I nod and he mutters the spell, a swift sharp pain shoots up my nose and then it stops. I pull the washcloth away and notice the bleeding has stopped. I touch my wand to the cloth and the blood stains are removed. "I didn't mean for you to get hurt-" He starts.

"I know George." I interrupt him. "I'm not mad at you.".

"I am sorry though." He mumbles and I nod. "It's fine, please stop apologizing.". He nods. "Okay.".

"Why were you fighting Malfoy?".

"He made some comments about you and my family, that I didn't necessarily like." He says and I lay back on my bed, and he lays next to me. 

"Please don't get into anymore fights, and keep Fred out of them too. I would hate to have to inform your mother of a really bad fight." I mumble and he sighs. "Okay.".

"Promise?" I ask rolling over to face him. "I promise." He says watching me.

"Good, now cuddle me." I smile and he laughs. "Whatever you say.". I cuddle into his side and he wraps his arms around me. "I love you, Georgie." I mumble.

"I love you too, baby." He says and I smile up at him.


421 Words


I really liked this one.


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