Special Imagine Part 4

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You and the twins had gone over the plan a few weeks ago and today was the day to go through with it.


Y/n's POV:

It was easy right, I was to sit down and set off the first firework. The more time that approached the more nervous I got. I sighed as I entered the Hall sitting down and setting the fireworks down near my feet. Umbridge walked in and it was go time, I quickly whispered the fire starting charm and grabbed my bag rushing out of the Great Hall. I hear the commotion start and people chasing after me, I smile making a turn we planned that I would take. I just needed to get to the astrology tower. I rush up the staircase as the sound of footsteps behind me gets increasing louder. I reach the top and flick my wand making my bag disappear. 

"Well there dear, you have nowhere else to run." Umbridge says smiling and I stand on the railing. I see the twins not far off on their brooms. "I would say the same about you." I smile and she steps closer to me as I stand my ground. The twins shout and I leap of the tower, as I have many other times. I smile feeling myself transform into a large dragon, I turn and shoot up along the tower, swooping up and looking down at the students and teachers alike. I glare at Umbridge and Mcgonagall catches my attention. I look at her and she nods, I see Umbridge frozen in fear. I fly down swooping low over the crowd and taking off to the forest, I fly over the forest for a while; enjoying the freedom. I close my eyes, relaxing; letting myself glide on the air. I hear voices not far off and open my eyes. I hear the voices become quiet and dive for the ground, landing softly and face the noises, as two people land and dismount their brooms. I backup, showing my teeth and snarling; ready for a fight, my dragon instincts kick fully in.


384 Words


Sorry that this is short, it's been one hell of a week so far. I've been trying to post but with all my homework and being completely overwhelmed and having panic attacks, I've just been trying to get through school. Anyways I hope you guys like it even though its wicked short.


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