Special Imagine Part 3

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It had been a few months since the Draco problem and you were dealing with Umbridge and your boyfriends being banned from quidditch.


Y/n's POV:

I had just gotten out of detention for Umbridge(Umbitch), and started wandering throughout the halls, looking for them. I hear the sound of someone walking and hide behind a statue. 

"Where is y/n?" I hear George say anxiously.

"She'll come find us as soon as she can." Fred says trying to reassure him.

"I'm worried about her, Freddie. She doesn't seem like herself anymore.".

"She's guarded, worried, and seems to be hurting." Fred finishes and George sighs. "Yeah...I don't want to push her or force her to talk.". I knew I had been acting weird, but I didn't realize that I was affecting them. I was so stressed and worried about everything. I suddenly realize the blood running down my hand. I step out from behind the statue.

"I'm sorry." I say and their heads whip around in my direction.

"Princess?" George asks as they rush over to my side.

"Love, are you okay?" Fred asks and I shrug as George takes my hand, and I try to pull my hand away.

"Baby, why are you bleeding?" Fred asks gently and I look at the floor.

"I will not try to defend blood traitors." George reads and Fred curses.

"I-i had detention with Umbridge....I tried to reason with her to allow you guys back to quidditch a-and she-she..." I trail off as tears run down my cheeks, George gently lifts my head to meet Fred and his worried gazes. I wipe at my eyes with the sleeve of my cloak and George glances at Fred. Fred gently scoops me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. He wraps his arms around me and I look up seeing two faces looking down at me. I snuggle my head into his neck.

"Let's get back to the dorms fast." George mutters and Fred nods in agreement. Fred starts walking and soon we enter the Gryffindor common room. We head up a set of stairs and into a room. "Lovely, can I put you down? So we can take care of your hand?" Fred whispers in my ear and I hesitantly nod. He sets me down on George's bed and George sits down next to me, Fred quickly grabbing the bandages and ointment from the bathroom. He kneels in front of me and I gently take my robe off. George drapes an arm around me as Fred takes my hand and gently starts applying ointment. I hiss as it burns across the shaky words etched into the back of my hand. "Shhh." George mumbles and rubs my back. Fred quickly wraps my hand up with the bandages. I lean my head on George and he kisses my head, as Fred comes back into the room. He sits on the other side of me and gently takes my hand. "I'm sorry for making you guys worry." I say.

"No, Y/n it's fine. We just wanna know why you've been acting weird lately." George says.

"I...it's hard without you both with me during quidditch and i'm worried that I'm going to fail. I don't like doing anything other than working with magical creatures." I mumble.

"Baby, that's fine. Next time just tell us, yeah?" Fred asks and I nod. "yeah.".

"Should we tell her?" George asks Fred and I glance at both of them. "Tell me what?".

"Umbridge is going to try and expel us." Fred says and I stand up facing them. "Nonono she can't right?" I ask nervously and Fred glances at George. "We have a plan, though.".

"We were planning on leaving before she gets the chance to expel us." Fred finishes.

"Wait. Wait your gonna leave me here with that crazy bitch?" I ask nervously and Fred stands up. "No baby, we were thinking that if your up to it. We want to take you with us.".

"As long as you don't want to stay here." George says and I nod. "I know I might be answering too soon, but yes I can't stay here anymore. Especially without you two and with that bitch." I say and they both nod. "Our original plan was to start our shop." Fred says.

"But we don't have much, and we have a small flat." George adds.

"Wait hold on a second." I say bolting out of the room and running down to my room, grabbing a bag and running back up. 

"What is that?" George asks as I enter the room again and shut the door. "I've been saving up for this." I say and they both look at me confused. "For your shop." I add and they both shake their heads.

"Princess we appreciate this, but it's your money." George says standing up and pushing my hand down.

"Yeah, we have Harry's small amount that he gave us." Fred adds.

"Georgie." I say and he pauses. "Freddie.". "You need the funds, I have much more in Gringotts.".

"Are you sure love?" Fred asks and I nod. "If we all are gonna live together, I want to help where I can." I say and George hugs me gently. "Thank you, Sweetheart." He mumbles.

"You're helping us make our dream come true." Fred adds hugging me as soon as George lets go. I pull away after a moment and hand George the money. "Now what's the plan about leaving?".


884 Words


I think that I might do a few more parts, idk i'll probably post tomorrow and maybe on my birthday I dunno yet. Thank you Guys for 1.2K!


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