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This one is for ReysCave. Y/n is a Slytherin student, Hope that they and all you guys enjoy it. :)

Prompt:  George Weasley x slytherin yn where she's hella confident and flirty, after her friends help her realize that she likes him, and her friends tell her to go talk to him and being hella confident she does.


"Y/n!" Pansy whisper yells.

"What?" You hiss as Snape looks up and around the room.

"You were staring again.".

"At who?" You ask focusing back on the potion.

"Weasley." She hisses.

"No, I was staring at Draco, he made a face." You deny and she rolls her eyes as Snape dismisses everyone and you pack up your things.

"Uh-huh." She says as Blaise and Draco join you two in the hallway. "Draco were you making a face at Y/n?".

"No, why?" He asks and Pansy smirks. "She was staring at Weasley again." Pansy grins as you shake your head. "No I wasn't your mistaken.".

"Mhm?" Blaise says and you sigh. "Why does it matter?" You ask.

"Well your always staring at him.".

"Okay? The twins are always pulling pranks on me, I hate them you know this." You say as the four of you enter the courtyard.

"Well you're staring at them constantly." Pansy says and Draco nods.

"Yeah, and I'm allowed to stare aren't I?" You say and Blaise smirks.

"Well you especially seem to fancy the one Weasley whose name starts with a G." Draco says and you roll your eyes. "George?" You say and Blaise laughs. "See, you know his name.". You cross your arms and Pansy glances at the twins. "You should go talk to him." She says.

"You know what maybe I will." You say storming away from the three of them. You sigh and walk up to the twins and hear their slightly hushed conversation. "Do I like him?" You mutter to yourself, and shake the thought away. No, you couldn't you are in Slytherin and he's in Gryffindor. You think and roll your eyes coming to stand behind the,

"I dunno Fred, she's pretty." George says.

"Hi Fred, George." You say and they turn to face you.

"Y/n, you know our names?" Fred asks.

"Yeah, I've heard all about the prankster legends that wreak havoc." You say play flirtily, and notice the slight blush that creeps on to their cheeks.

"Wow, um thanks." George says nervously.

"No problem, George.".

"You can tell us apart?" Fred asks and you nod. "Why is that so surprising?" You ask and they both look taken aback.

"Barely anyone can tell us apart." George says and you smile sweetly.

"Anyways, did you want something or need something?" Fred asks and you see George kick him.

"No I figured I would come say hi, or something." You shrug. "Anyways enjoy the rest of your day." You say turning to walk  back to your three friends. You hear Fred say something to George and meet Pansy's questioning gaze. You sigh and roll your eyes moving to stand next to her.

"So how did that go?" She smirks.

"It went fine." You say and Draco glares at someone behind you.

"Y/n!" George shouts and you turn around to see him jogging up to you.

"George?" You ask meeting Blaise and Pansy's confused expressions.

"Wouldyougowithmetohogsmeadetomorrow?" He says.

"I'm sorry what?" You ask confused.

"Would you go with me tomorrow to hogsmeade?" He asks rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, sure. I'd love to go with you." You smile and then realize what you just said turning pink as the realization hits you.

"Okay, see you tomorrow." He smiles and jogs back to his brother. You turn to face Pansy.

"I knew it." Pansy smirks. 

"Okay maybe I do have a crush. You smile and Draco rolls his eyes as you and Pansy start excitedly talking about what you will wear tomorrow.


612 Words


Well I hope you guys liked this one, especially ReysCave. let me know if you want anything added or removed :)


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