He gets hurt 2

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Y/n's Pov:

It was an easy Saturday and I had spent the day in my dorm relaxing cause why the hell not. I was currently curled up in bed, reading and snacking on some snacks when my dorm room door opens and George stumbles in. "Hey Georgie." I say, not looking up from my book. "Hey darling. Where are the bandages?" He asks and I look up. "Under the sink, why?". He rubs the back of his neck and turns to face me. "George!" I gasp, taking in his black eye, split lip and still slightly bleeding nose. I get up and take his hand, leading him into the bathroom; grabbing the first aid kit and sitting up on the counter. I hook my legs around his legs and pull him closer to me, he stumbles forward and I grab the disinfectant wipes. I gently hold his face and wipe at his lip, he winces and pulls away. "George I have to clean it." I mutter and he sighs, I grab a tissue and hold it up to his nose. "Hold this here.". He takes it and holds it there, I notice his raw and slightly bloody knuckles. "Use your other hand Georgie." I sigh and he switches hands as I take his hand and examine his knuckles. I swipe some ointment across them and wrap a bandage around them. "Alright let me see your nose.". He slowly pulls the tissue away and I grab my wand, muttering a few different healing charms. "Better?" I ask and he feels his nose. "Yeah." He says and I direct my attention to his lip and eye. "Episkey." I mumble and they heal, I put everything away in the kit and tuck it away. "What happened?" I ask and he rubs the back of his neck. "Cormac." He mumbles. "George, what happened to the promise that we made?" I ask and he flinches. "He was making comments about you.". "I appreciate you standing up for me I really do, but I hate seeing you hurt as much as you hate seeing me hurt." I mumble and he nods. "I know..." He says and I get down off the counter heading for my room. I grab a change of clothes he had left, and hand it to him. He takes it and walks back into the bathroom, shutting the door. I change into a sports bra and a pair of shorts. I toss my clothes in the hamper and brush out my hair, grabbing an elastic and braiding my hair. A pair of arms slip around my waist and a head rests on my shoulder. I ruffle the fiery hair and he pulls away. "Not the hair." He says giving me a lopsided smirk. "You're such a pain." I say and he chuckles. "Besides I can't help it, your hair is soft.". He laughs and leans on the door-frame. "Mhm.". I roll my eyes and walk over to my bed, sitting on the side of my bed, he stands there watching me. "You're lucky I love you Weasley." I say and he raises his eyebrow. He crosses his arms and walks over to the bed and leans down, so his face is at my level. "We both know that if I really wanted to I could easily make you scream my name." He says, lowering his voice. My eyes widen and I swallow quickly, he chuckles and I blush a deep red. I lower my head and stare at my hands; he uses his hand to lift my chin. I look up at him and he kisses me gently, I tenses before I relax and kiss him back. I place my hand on his chest and the other one tangles in his hair, he pulls away and sits down next to me; holding my hand gently. "I will try to not get into a fight." he says and I nod. "Alright." I reply and reach up, running my hands through his fiery hair, he hesitates before relaxing and leaning on me. 


677 words

A/n: Hey y'all how ya doing? I can't be the only one who hates spring, right? Like oh mah God the fucking pollen in the states rn. 


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