Period 2

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You had woken up this morning, in your dorm, with the most painful cramps. 


Y/n's POV:

I had just finished cleaning up my sheets, I walked into the bathroom and applied my feminine product. Afterward I stand in front of the mirror and braid my hair. I sigh and wash my face, heading back into my dorm and climbing back into bed snuggling up in the sheets. I close my eyes as another cramp ramps up, I quickly grab my heating pad and mutter the spell. I sigh contently as the heat temporarily takes the pain away. I slowly nod off to sleep content and comfy with the heat coming from the pad.


George's POV:

I haven't seen Y/n all day and I'm starting to get nervous, she never misses class. The only time she did was after she broke her arm in quidditch.

"George? Earth to George?" Fred says and I snap back. "Yeah?".

"I was asking if you wanted to prank Filch or Umbridge tonight?".

"Hmm lets do Filch, he's easier and we can deal more damage with him than Umbridge." I nod and he grins. I smile and we walk past the trio.

"George." Hermione says and I turn around. "Yes?".

"Where's Y/n?" She asks.

"I'm not sure." I say and she rolls her eyes. "Shouldn't you go look for her?".

"Umm, yeah?" I say glancing at Fred as she walks to back over to Harry and Ron.

"Merlin, just go look for her."Fred says. "We don't have to prank anyone tonight, I'll go hang out with Angelina.". I nod and walk away heading for the common room. Once I'm inside I head up for my dorm and open the door, noticing she isn't there. I head down to her dorm and knock slowly opening the door. I spot her curled up in her bed, and smile. "You're so cute." I say softly.


Y/n's POV:

"You're so cute." I hear a familiar voice say and I groan rolling over and stretching. I open my eyes and see George in my doorway. "Morning.".

"It's late in the afternoon, lovely." He laughs coming in and closing the door.

"Is it really?".

"Yes, why weren't you at any classes today?" He says sitting next to me.

"I started my period today and the cramps are really bad and painful." I mumble and he takes my hand rubbing it gently. "How can I help?".

"Stay with me?" I ask and he nods. "Are you hungry?".

"Yeah, I've been craving chocolate all day." I say rolling over, so I'm laying on my stomach.

"I'll be right back." He says and leaves, I grab my wand and say the charm again. The heating pad heats up again, just as he comes back in and shuts the door. "Here." He says handing me four different boxes of chocolate.

"Are these yours?".

"Yeah, but my sweet tooth can wait until the next hogsmeade trip. You need it more." He says pulling back the covers and climbing in next to me. "Awww." I say as I sit up slightly and adjust the heating pad.

"What's that?" He asks looking at it confused.

"It's a heating pad, I use a charm to keep it warm. It helps with cramps.". he gently places his hand on the pad. "It's so hot.".

"Mhm." I nod and place the chocolate in his lap as I scooch over next to him snuggling into his side, grabbing a box and offering him a piece.

"Thanks love." He smiles taking it and wrapping his arms around me. "Mhm." I mumble and inhale sharply as a cramp intensifies. I wrap my arms around my stomach and lean forward. He gently pushes my shoulders back and move the heating pad. "Lay down, baby." He says and I hesitate. 

"Trust me love." He says and I nod laying down. He slowly moves the chocolate to the nightstand and pulls the covers back, taking his shirt off. Laying his head on my chest gently and wrapping his arms around me, laying down on top of me. "better?".

"Yeah, a lot better." I say and he lifts his head kissing my gently and sweetly, before pulling away and resting his head under my chin. I sigh contently and close my eyes, feeling tired. "I love you, baby." He mumbles sleepily.

"I love you too, Georgie." I murmur before falling fast asleep.


705 Words


Well this one was something


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