Crazy Idea Part 2

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Y/n's POV:

We had been waiting outside of the entrance for a hour now and I was starting to get restless. I was, luckily, able to convince the twins to hide in the trees nearby so they wouldn't be in immediate danger. I scan the bridge for the probably 50th time so far, this time something catches my eye. I tense and Harry walks up the bridge brandishing his wand.

"Harry." I growl and he laughs. "Did you really think that I would let Voldemort win? I killed him so I could defeat you myself.". I narrow my eyes and laugh. "Yes, the all powerful Voldemort let you kill him.". He glares at me and I smirk as he whips an immobilising charm at me and I block it immediately and he starts shouting spell after spell, with me matching his every move. "Avada Kedavra!" He shouts and I hold my wand up blocking the spell with the same spell, my blue light fighting with his red. I plant my feet and hold my wand as we both tear away at the same time, panting. I hear screams from inside the castle and Harry grins. "Well I see the Death Eaters are here, that's my cue to leave until we face off in the courtyard." He smirks.

"Instead of risking countless innocent lives, why don't we head there now and settle this?" I ask playing into his pride. 

"That would be a great show, especially your death." He says grinning.

"Call off the Death Eaters, Harry." I growl and he rolls his eyes. 

"I-i will go willingly, if you call them off, no wand." I manage as Fred and George appears behind me."Y/n...".

"I go willingly, no-no one gets hurt." I say not breaking my eye contact with Harry.

"Deal. You have five minutes he says walking past us into Hogwarts. I step out of his way and turn to face the twins.

"Why would you do that?" George asks.

"It's either me or countless lives are lost, I would rather just me go than others." I mumble.

"I'll go gather everyone." Fred says and I nod.

"Love..." He starts and I push my wand into his hands.

"Trust me Georgie. The least I will let happen is other die because of me." I say. "I won't let it escalate beyond Crucio.". George looks at me and I see the fear flicker across his face. I grab his collar, pressing my lips to his roughly. He pauses before pulling me closer and deepening the kiss. I pull away after a minute and smile. "I love you so much." I mumble.

"I love you even more." He says handing me my wand. I nod and we turn and jog into the crowd entering the courtyard.

"Y/N L/N!" Harry yells and I push my way through the crowd with George and now Fred right behind me. I hand my wand to George and with one more glance I walk out into the courtyard.

"You asked Harry and I came, if only you stayed good. Things wouldn't have to end like this." I say weirdly calm despite my heart racing.

"Well, I didn't." He says raising his wand and pointing it at me. I stiffen and hear gasps from behind me. I see him say the killing curse in slow motion and raise my hands in defence. 


550 Words

I kinda want to keep this series going so I left y'all on a cliffhanger lol


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