You get hurt 3

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Y/n's POV:

I sigh as I step into the quidditch changing room and nervously start polishing my broom. I don't glance at George as he sits down next to me. I lean my broom against the wall and pull on the arm guards as Harry clears his throat. "Alright let's start with a banger, yeah?" He says and we all nod. I adjust my jersey and George nudges me. "Hey, you okay?" He asks and I nod keeping the right side of my face from his line of sight. "Baby, look at me." He says, gently cupping my chin and turning my face to look at him. I see his face change into absolute rage. "Y/n, Who did this?" He asks seeing my black eye and I shrug, pulling my face from his hand. "Of course you don't want to talk."He scoffs and I see Ginny glaring at him along with Angelina. I stand up and grab my broom adjusting my grip as I stand by the entrance. We hear the chime and we all mount our brooms before flying a lap around the pitch. I fly next to Ginny and she nods at me, I nod swerving left and staying put. I see the twins at the top and I adjust my grip as Ravenclaw comes out. Harry lands and shakes hand with the Ravenclaw captain. The game starts and I steal the ball from the Ravenclaws and immediately scoring. We eventually end up in the lead with 40-20 and I dodge a Bulger as Angelina tosses me the quaffle. I pick up speed diving for the hoop and trying to shake another player from my tail. I score and the Gryffindors cheer, I see Hermione gesturing to me and I look behind me to see a Bulger rushing at me I spin and rush to the other side of the pitch. I see something flying at me from the front and before I can react, a strong blow hits me in the stomach as Harry reappears with the snitch. I lose my grip and tumble to the ground, landing hard. I slowly pull myself up to my knees as I double over in pain and the team lands around me, I lurch forward and throw up red. I look up at the twins and meet Georges scared gaze. I lurch forward again and throw up more blood, trying to hold my weight on my arms or hands. My arms collapse and everything goes black.

---------------------------------(Time Skip brought to you by moldy voldy.)--------------------------------------

I wake up to nervous chitter chattering.

"Who hit the Bulger towards her?" Two voices ask and I slowly open my eyes and see the whole team around my bed.

"I don't know." Harry says. "Nobody saw who did it.". Ginny nudges him and gestures to me. George looks down at me. "How are you feeling?" He asks and I whimper softly. "You know, I think we should go to Mcgonagall. Maybe she knows who hit it." She says and everyone takes her cue, leaving me and George alone. I cough slightly and tense up as I feel sharp pain, George grabs a glass of water and I shake my head no. I slowly sit up, suddenly well aware that I'm in my quidditch pants and a sports bra. I pull the blanket up a bit to hide my stomach that has a large bandage wrapped around it. I close my eyes and sigh as a dull throbbing starts. "I'm sorry for not telling you about my eye. I didn't want you to get in trouble if you did anything rash. I didn't want Umbridge to have any reason to give you the quill." I say as I wrap my arms around my stomach.

"It's fine, baby. I shouldn't have snapped." He says and I nod taking a sharp breath as the pain intensifies slightly. "Madam Pomfrey?" He calls and she comes around the corner. "Oh Dear." She says pulling the stopper out of a potions bottle and pouring it in a small cup, she hands it to me and I down it; ignoring the taste. "She'll get very tired, I think it's best if she goes back to her dorm, then she can be comfortable.". George nods and she hands him the bottle along with a paper that has the dosage. I grab my wand from the table and mutter a spell that changes my quidditch pants for sweatpants. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and George wraps a blanket around me, picking me up bridal style. I take the potion and the paper, he leaves the Hospital wing and I lean my head up against his chest. I drape one of my arms around his neck. 

"HeM hEm." I hear from the other end of the hallway and groan.

"Hello Professor." George says and she raises an eyebrow. "WhAt ExAcTlY aRe YoU tWo DoInG?" she says and I start to feel a bit sleepy.

"She was injured during quidditch and Madame Pomfrey said she should go sleep in the dorms as it would be more comfortable." George explains and she does her stupid 'hEm HeM' again. "ShE CoUlD wAlK, tHiS iS sHoWiNg PdA aNd ThAt Is AgAiNsT sChOoL pOlIcY.".

"The potion makes her drowsy and Madame Pomfrey didn't want her to walk as she could fall down a flight of stairs." George says as Mcgonagall walks down  the hallway towards us. "Y/n, there you are." She says sighing in relief, she sees Umbridge and gives her a tight smile. "Dolores." She nods.

"MiNeRvA." Umbridge says and turns her attention back to me and George. "I will escort these two back towards the common room." Professor Mcgonagall says and Umbridge looks like she is going to interject but Mcgonagall ushers me and George away. "Thank goodness I found you two when I did or she would've given you two detentions." She says and George nods. "Thank you, Professor.".

"Go quickly to the common room." Mcgonagall says and George nods taking a sharp turn and going up the stairs to the fat lady. "Mimbulus Mimbletonia." He mutters and the door swings open, he steps into the  common room. I see multiple people glance at us and I close my eyes, until I hear a door open and shut behind us. I open my eyes and George places me on the bed, I rub my face and George places the potion on the nightstand. He pulls off the top of his quidditch uniform and I sleepily admire his toned abs and muscular arms, plus the many scars from quidditch. He looks at me and grins. "Whatcha looking at?" He says and I blush a deep red. "I-i... Sorry." I mumble looking down and he walks over and lifts my chin. "No its fine, I think it's cute." He says and I blush an even darker shade of red. He chuckles and I crawl to the top of the bed and lay down, hiding my face in one of his pillows. He changes into shorts and pulls the blanket over me and climbs in next to me. "You sleepy?" He asks and I nod, as he pulls me closer. I snuggle my head into the crook of his neck. "Wake me up if you need another dose, okay?" He mumbles and I nod, finally letting dream world take me away.


1225 Words

A/n: I would put this one at a meh, not my best but not my worst. Thank y'all for 2.8K and be sure to vote and comment.

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