You get hurt 1

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You had woken up late and were rushing down to the Quidditch pitch, luckily the game didn't start for another 10 minutes. You slowed your pace as you exited the courtyard and made your way down to the Pitch. Once you entered the locker room Harry shot you a look. "Y/n your late.".

"Sorry, I woke up late." You say grabbing your firebolt and adjusting your quidditch jersey. Harry nods and George approaches you. "Good morning love.".

"Morning Georgie." You say distracted as you finish tying your shoe. "Who are we playing against?".

"Slytherin." He says and you stand up straight. "Don't worry about me Georgie, I'm fine and I'll be fine." You say and he nods, clearly not believing you. You sigh and adjust your quidditch jersey as your bra strap was tangled with the tank top you were wearing underneath your jersey. "George, can you help me?".

"Sure." He nods and gently untangles the strap and straightens out your jersey. He sneakily kisses the side of your neck and a shiver runs down your spine. He wraps his arms around your waist and rests his head on your shoulder. "Your cute." He whispers in your ear. You feel your face burning and he laughs. 

"Oi, George." Fred calls from across the room.

"Be careful, I'll see you after the game. I love you.".

"You be careful too, I love you too." You say and he pulls away, walking over to Fred. You sigh and Harry comes over to you. "Before you chew me out about being late, I was up all night writing essay after essay." You say cautiously and he laughs. "I wasn't going to chew you out. I just want you to be careful Draco isn't going to hold back.".

"I know. I'm not scared." You say confidently and you hear Lee Jordan start introducing the teams. You nod at him as all of you grab your brooms and fly out. You take your place in front of the hoops and you notice Fred and George  on either side of you, but closer to the ground. You shake of the nerves as the game begins. You block ball after ball, only missing one ball. In between Slytherin's goal and the next ball, while you are catching your breath. You hear a shout and turn to see George racing after a bulger that is heading straight towards you. You try to turn and fly away but it is too late the bulger crashes into your left arm and you lose the grip on your broom. You close your eyes waiting for the rough impact of the ground, you hit the ground hard and lay there on the ground. You look at your arm and immediately wished you didn't as the pain and panic sets in. You hear the crowd silence and open your eyes as the whole Gryffindor team lands and a tall figure runs toward you. You shiver and scream as the muscles in your arm tense. Someone hits the ground next to you, you wince and close your eyes tightly. You open your eyes and someone has put their jacket over your arm. You take a deep breath and whimper as you shiver again. You feel someone move your head and place it in their lap. 

"Hey sweetheart, It's okay." George mumbles, looking down at you.

"It hurts." You say weakly. "I'm scared.". You see him wince and he strokes your cheek. "Shhh.". You feel tired and your eyes start to get heavy. "I'm so tired.". 

"No, stay awake." He says and his brother comes over and sits next to him. "If you fall asleep, then we will have to deal with your sleep talking and the snoring." Fred says.

"I don't snore." You say.

"Yes, you do." George laughs.

"Oh Dear." You hear Madame Pomfrey say. You take a deep breath and close your eyes. You mumble some sort of warning and then get swallowed by the darkness.


You slowly open your eyes in the Medical wing and see a sleeping George in the chair next to you, with Fred sitting in the chair next to him. You shift and close your eyes as firey pain shoots up your arm. You open your eyes and see Fred nudge George. "What?" He grumbles as he wakes up. 

"Y/n's awake." Fred says and George is immediately wide awake. "Love?" He asks and leans forward taking your right hand.

"Georgie." You mumble.

"How do you feel?" He asks as Fred leaves, assuming that he is going to bed you yawn. "Like shit." You mutter and he nods. "Who hit the bulger towards me?".

"Malfoy, Umbridge suspended me from playing quidditch.".

"Why?" You ask softly.

"After Madame Pomfrey carried you off field he made some comments about you that I didn't like and admitted to sending the bulger your way." He says looking down.

"George did you seriously fight Malfoy?" You say and he winces.

"You sound very American, Sweetie." He says avoiding the question and meeting your gaze.

"George Gideon Weasley." You say sternly.

"Fine, yes I did. Are you happy now you stubborn American?" He says with a bit of harshness. You wince and he notices. " 'M sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out like that.". 

"It's fine." You say. "Why did you fight Malfoy? You do realize that now that you are banned, it just got a lot more risky, right?". He nods "I know I just couldn't stand there and let him make fun of you or trash talk you. I acted on impulse.". You nod and wince as firey pain shoots up your arm. You look down and notice that your left arm is in a sling with a brace/cast on it. George stands up and you look up at him. "scootch over." He says and you slowly scootch over, he sits down next to you and pulls you up against him. "I love you." He mumbles.

"I love you too." You say and slowly fall asleep.


985 Words


I dunno about this one


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