Escaped Part 3

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Y/n's POV:

I jolted away and quickly glanced around the room. George comes out of the bathroom and notices my nervous state. "Love, are you okay?" he asks and I take a deep breath, nodding. "Yeah, just a nightmare." I say and he nods. I notice he's dressed. "Where are you going?".

"Order meeting." He says and I get up. "I'll be ready in five." I mutter grabbing a pair of leggings and and a sweatshirt.

"I don't think that this is a good idea." He says and I freeze. "I need to go George." I say glancing at him and he sighs. "Okay, but if you start to feel overwhelmed or anything let me know." He says and I nod. He wraps his arms around my waist and I jump slightly, before relaxing into him. He buries his head in the crook of my neck, and I place my hand on his as he sighs. I gently reach up and place my hand in his hair. He presses a soft kiss to my neck and pulls me closer to him. I place my clothes on the dresser and turning around wrapping my arms around him. He kisses my forehead and I bury my face in his neck.

"I won't let anything happen to you, baby." He mumbles and I nod. "I know.". I pull away and grab my clothes going into the bathroom, I change quickly and run a brush through my hair. I leave the bathroom and walk over to the open door, slowly heading down into the dining room. I see George and Mrs.Weasley spots me when I walk in the door.

"Y/n!" She smiles. "How are you feeling?".

"I'm fine." I smile sitting in the chair next to George and she nods. Sirius turns to face me and George nudges me. "What?" I ask and he nods to Sirius. I quickly glance around the table seeing everyone except for Snape present.

"There's a leak." I say looking directly at Sirius.

"What do you mean?" Harry asks as Mrs.Weasley stops chopping veggies.

"Someone in the order is working for He who must not be named. That's the only way they could've found me and kidnapped me." I say and Remus nods. "Do you know who?". I start rubbing down my thighs with the heels of my hands. "N-no." I say shaking my head.

"What other info do you have?" Tonks asks.

"They want to infiltrate Hogwarts and kill Harry." I say meeting her gaze. "They are going to infiltrate the Ministry and take over, they want him to surrender." I say and George gently takes my hands off my thighs, holding them tightly. 

"T-their not afraid to kill whoever it takes or use all of the unforgivable curses. They will stop at n-nothing, children are being forced to become D-death Eaters."  I stutter. "They don't care who dies and who lives.". George squeezes my hands gently and I close my eyes. "We need to take precautions." Sirius says. "Y/n?". I open my eyes and look up at Sirius. 

"No." George says and I turn to look at him.

"She has experience and we need someone out there." Sirius says.

"No." George says and Sirius sighs. "George just because you are romantically involved with her, doesn't mean you get to make the decisions for her.". George meets my gaze before looking at Sirius. "They don't care who dies.".

"She'll be fine." Sirius says brushing off Georges point.

"That's enough." Mrs. Weasley interviens. "Sirius, look at the poor girl. She's traumatized.". Sirius looks at me and I meet his gaze. "Then let's leave it up to her. If she wants to then she can, if she doesn't want to then she doesn't have to.".

"I-i don't want to leave." I mumble and Mrs.Weasley nods as Sirius sits back in his chair. I get up and walk up the stairs to George's room, sitting on the bed and George slowly opens the door. He sees me and I look up meeting his concerned gaze. I look down, fiddling with the sleeve of my sweater. He shuts the door and kneels in front of me. "Sweetheart?" He says gently and I look at him. He reaches out and takes my hands. "Are you okay?".

"I don't know." I mumble and he gently hugs me. After a minute I go to pull away but he holds me in place. "You're not going anywhere." He mumbles and I nod, snuggling into him.

"I love you so much, lovely.".

"I love you even more, Georgie.".


741 Words


Welp that happened ;)


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