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Y/n's POV:

I wake up with a weird feeling in my stomach and slowly lift George's arm off of me. I rush into that bathroom and make it to the toilet just in time. I painfully empty my stomach contents and sit back before another wave of nausea hits and I lean forward throwing up again. I hear the door open and someone's hand is on my back and holding my hair back. "Oh Sweetie." George mumbles. I lean back on his legs and close my eyes, before lurching forward to throw up again. After I finish throwing up for the third time I put my head in my hands and hear the toilet flush. I go to stand up but my legs nearly collapse underneath me. George catches me and gently sits me on the bathroom counter, handing me my toothbrush and I gently brush my teeth and place my tooth brush on the counter. I lean my head against George's shoulder and he holds a hand to my forehead. "You're burning up.". I nod and close my eyes, cuddling closer to him. "You must really feel like shit. Your not acting like yourself." He mumbles and I nod breathing deeply. "I don't want you to get sick." I mumble weakly. "I can take care of myself.".

"Lovely, you can barely stand. I'm taking care of you." He says and I groan leaning back away from him. "But you'll get sick." I whine and he laughs. "Comeon back to bed." He says picking me up gently and walking back into our room. I feel the cool sheets beneath my back and instantly curl up in them. "I'll go get you some medication." He says and I hear him leave the room, and I lay my head on my pillow and open my eyes slowly. I see George walk in and he gently hands me a glass of water and a pill. "Sit up, love." He says and I slowly move up into a sitting position, he rests a strong supporting hand on my back as I take the medication. He takes the cup and I lay back down. I close my eyes and snuggle under the sheets. I feel the bed shift and a strong arm rests across my waist. "Good night, lovely.".

"Good night Georgie, I love you." I mumble.

"I love you too." I hear him mumble before I fall fast asleep.


401 Words

A/n: Dunno how to feel about this.


George Weasley ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon