Sound of Failure

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Nerissa pov: "Last warning move..." Kiara-senpai told me with a slight growl.

"Nope!" I shout

Thinking about it, this should be fine as long as Mumei-senpai isn't here to fight. Then we shouldn't damage the world again.

"Nerissa You are severely outmatched; you need to go yield and let them go." Aradia said

"Shut it." I scoff.

Kiara-senpai pointed her sword at me and blasted fire out at max capacity using my tuning fork. I swung it, making a soundwave to cut through it.

"You really tried to hurt me!!" I shout

"Incapacitate..." Kiara-senpai claimed

"Still!!!" I shout Reine threw a dagger-like feather at me, and I blocked it. "Shit!" I cried out as Kiara-senpai flew at me since my defense was down, and then she blasted me with fire. I noticed it wasn't hot, though. Why wasn't it hot? It was cool.

"Nerissa, I'm not trying to hurt you." Kiara-senpai explained

"Well, I can regenerate, so stop underestimating me!!!" I yelled

"Nerissa I'm not underestimating you!" Kiara yelled

She went to slash down at my head, and all of a sudden she stopped. I knew she was going to bluntly hit me with fire, so I was wondering what happened and why she stopped.

I looked over and saw Amelia Senpai, and I saw she had her left eye closed, her right eye wide open, and it looked like it had a clock inside of it.

"Shit..." Amelia- Senpai growled suddenly. Kiara began to move again. She looked in the direction of the blonde girl angrily.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, you little shit!?" Kiara-senpai screamed

"You can't leave this room!" Amelia-senpai yelled back at Kiara-senpai, who scoffed at her.

She shot fire at Amelia-senpai, and all of a sudden the fire rewound, going back into her blade. Kiara-senpai was shocked, but she didn't let herself be disoriented; she just pushed forward, flying at Amelia-senpai.

"I can't rewind people yet." Amelia-senpai said it with worry, but she pulled out her time dagger and clashed with Kiara-senpai.

"You can't rewind people!?" I shout

"I can... well, not as I am right now!" Amelia-senpai replied

"What the fuck are you talking about, Nerissa? Why are you talking like this?" Kiara-senpai questioned

"I don't know..." I said to her

"She's hiding something..." Reine-senpai claimed as she realized I was acting oddly.

"I'm going to beat the shit out of the blonde, and then I'm leaving this room, Nerissa!!!" Kiara-senpai screamed

"You can't leave this fucking room!" I shout

I blasted a soundwave at her, but Kiara-senpai somehow burned the sound up. I gulped, biting down on my lip since she burned a concept.

"Aren't they stronger now?" Aradia asks

"It looks like it," Malpha said.

"My fire My anger, my sadness-every single one of my emotions has reached a boiling point, and I will show you how hot my fire can actually get to!" Kiara-senpai said loudly

I get it. She actually carried over her strength from before, but somehow her splitting with Calli again, or thinking she split with Calli again, has actually made her stronger than before. This is kind of crazy.

I tapped my tuning fork on the ground, sending vibrations through the ground and shaking Kiara-senpai up a little bit, and as she was shaking, I jumped up, bashing over her head. Blood dripped down her head, but she healed up quickly, blasting me with fire.

"Nerissa You need to quit it. You need to stay down. You can't stop me from walking through that door with Reine." She said

Shior~rin lunged at Kiara-senpai and slashed at her head, but Yorick didn't even cut into her neck as it became fire and the attack passed through her neck.

"What the hell!?" Shior~rin yelled

"I don't have to be gentle with you!!" Kiara-senpai screamed. She prepared to blast her with fire, but Amelia-senpai paused her in time for ½ of a second, letting Shior~rin get away from her.

"Are you alright!?" I asked as I looked over and saw blood flowing from her right eye. She nodded.

"Time-side effects..." She pants

"Time-side effects?" I question

"Yeah, if I overuse my time abilities, I will get drawbacks. This is one of the things that happens. I can't really activate this for long, but I have been using it multiple times today, so my time is up." She claimed

"Oh?" I said softly.

"Ah, your time is up, huh!?" Kiara screamed

She flew forward and slammed Amelia-Senpai with fire as hot as she could muster. The detective flew back, badly burned from the attack. She had to rewind herself, causing mass exhaustion.

"Don't mess with me!" Kiara-senpai yelled

"Why are you being so difficult!?" Amelia-senpai asked

"Because now I feel like there is something I need to do, something you are hiding from me, and I want to figure out what the hell I'm missing!!!" Kiara-senpai shouts

She needs to do that to be fair, but we have to stop her right now. We really need to get her away from the door.

"How long can you pause people for?" I ask

"Indefinitely, but if I hold them for more than three seconds, I will pass out." She said

"That isn't indefinite." I say

"Nerissa I never said the hold breaks." Amelia-senpai responded

Ohh, I get it, so they will still be paused, but Amelia-senpai will be unconscious, so there will be no way for her to unpause Kiara. "Can you try!?" I ask

"Sure!" Amelia-senpai said

She paused Kiara-senpai in time for three seconds, and as she passed out, Kiara-senpai broke out of the pause with sure willpower. "Good, now she's out of the way." Kiara-senpai sighed as she began to walk past me.

I have to stop her from leaving...

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