Twin Distractions

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Fuwawa pov: Shiori laid out the plan; we distract everyone in this room, and then she absorbs knowledge from their computer.

"Let's go..." I said

"Got it, Bau Bau!" Moco-chan said

We have to make sure to end this real quick.

"Wait intruders!!!" Machina and Flayon yell

"Where?" Josuji Shinri growls.

"Right there!" Banzoin Hakka spat

Moco-chan and I began running, and we made afterimage clones of ourselves. They all began to look around, trying to keep up with us.

"We don't know how they fight!" Moco-chan told me

"Yeah, let's visualize them as senpai!" I say

We did that by visualizing that scenario.
"Bau Bau!" Moco-chan and I said that while running around the floor, the three boys tried to keep up with us but couldn't at all.

"Moco-chan, who do you want to play with first?" I asked

Moco-chan tilted her head to the side. "It doesn't matter," she said.

I smiled at her. "Then let's play!" I stated.

The two of us pounced at Hakka; our weapons clashed against each other, and as we passed him, we pushed off the ground and went back past him, slicing into his face.

In mid-air, I grabbed my little sister's arm and spun around, launching her at Shinri. Her claw blades were about to go into his neck, but Hakka got in the way, blocking it with her twin spears crossed in an "X." Moco-chan pushed back, landing back next to me.

"We need to kill them!" Flayon yelled

"We know!" Hakka shouted

He rushed at us. I jumped forward and up, pushing my foot off his head to launch forward and slam his head into the ground.

I looked over to my pink sister, who was swiftly dodging arrows. Shinri shot at her once, twice, and then after the third and fourth dodges, she got close, then swept his feet, causing him to fall forward, and as that happened, Moco-chan stabbed him in the stomach.

"Gaaah..." Shinri groaned

Hakka ran at Moco-chan and jumped up, going for a clear dropkick. My sister pulled away.

"Moco-chan, this is fun, right?"

Fuwa-chan, it really is!" My sibling laughed.

"Can you three still play?" Moco-chan questioned

"We shouldn't play with our toys too much; we don't want to break them!"

Moco-chan nodded in response to what I said: "That is true; we really don't." She responded

Fuwa-chan, do you think they can beat us?" I was asked by my fuzzy twin.

"No, I don't think they have a chance," she told me.

Moco-chan and I sprinted at our three opponents, pouncing into the air once again as we landed. We shared a glance at one another, silently agreeing on a new tactic: we are going to battle close to one another; we aren't going to get too far from each other.

Back to back, side to side, we made sure none of our angels were exposed as we fought our opponents. Despite there being three guys among us two, we managed to fend them off with ease. The only damage done was a small scratch on both cheeks.

"How are they so strong!?" Flayon asked

"The worst part is they aren't losing energy at all; we can't win a war of attrition." Shinri claimed

Hakka ran at Moco-chan and me quickly; we both got the same idea to try what our senpai did when we fought her in the past and began to spin around quickly. Moco-chan blocked Hakka's spear swings while cutting deeply into him.

"We can leave pupperonies!" Shiori called

We looked over to Shiori and then the three boys in front of us.

"Time to go to council," we told them.

"Go where!?" They ask

"To your nightmare," Shiori said.

"Oh, what is a woman like you going to do?" Hakka asked

"This..." Shiori said deeply

All of a sudden Hakka was engulfed by a dark matter-looking thing, and he vanished. "Who's next?" She asked

"Ha-Hakka?" Flayon questioned

"He's on the boundary." Shiori claimed

"You'll pay for that!" Shinri growled

"No..." Shiori laughed

"Ahraughhhhhh!!!" He screamed

He was absorbed in the dark matter as well. "I surrender..." Flayon comments

"Good choice," Shiori said.

"Uhhh...Shiori?" I question

"Yes, my pupperonies?" She questioned

"Are you okay?" Moco-chan asked

"I-of course..." I mumble

She looked at us, and we were confused. Anyway, we have to go back to the council room. We have stuff to do. We have things that need to be done currently. Otherwise, what will get done?

"You two, let's go..." Shiori said

"Shior~rin!!" Nerissa called out

"FuwaMoco!" Biboo yelled

They were looking for us, and they brought in the man that we beat earlier.

"Guys!" Moco-chan yelled

"What?" We all ask

Moco-chan grabbed me and pulled me towards her as the others were trapped in a containment chamber.

"Damn, I missed two..." Flayon snarled

"Moco-chan, why didn't you just leave me?"

Moco-chan took a deep breath and then hugged me. "I love you!" She yelled

"Wait...How so?" I ask

"Stop getting your head out of the gutter; we need to defeat this guy and free put team nœ?" Moco-chan questioned

"That is true..." I sigh

Nerissa and the others were trying to escape but couldn't for various reasons.

Biboo couldn't manipulate the rocks; Shiori was working on escaping, but at the same time, she wasn't prepared. At the moment, Nerissa couldn't try since if she did, she would hurt the others.

This isn't good. It's just the two of us going two vs. two or one vs. one as of now since the other guy isn't up.

"I'm awake..." Bettel growled

"Now it's two vs. two." Moco-chan sighed

"We have to get ready," I claim.

The two of us are prepared for. an all-out war. This isn't going to be easy, as far as we know, but we are going to win.

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