Over and Over Again

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Kiara pov: I'm planning on beating this creature over and over again no matter how many times I have to in order to free my little sister.

Surprisingly, Omegaα was able to keep up with me. They were really fast and still sort of strong. From the corner of my eye, I saw Mumei setting something up to seal them with.

"You can block everything with your shield; it's not fair!" She yelled

"Shut up and fight." I said.

This battle isn't easy; they can block all my attacks as well. This isn't good at all. If I leave this to a war of attrition, I lose, and then we are all taken out.

Mumei and Ina are sealed; Ame is useless in this scenario; Gura can't move; and Calli, I don't want her to get hurt more. I pushed Omegaα back more, and Calli suddenly rushed past me in a huff of smoke, and she stabbed into them.

I can't rely on any of them like previous times and Calli is no where to be seen...

I slice off their arm "Gryaaa!" They screeched

"We are myth!" Calli yelled

"Legion of Ame..." Amelia panted as she stood up and summoned more of her. All of them had guns and shot Omega in the back. Since they are mortals, it hurts them more.

Gura and Ina lunged forward and attacked them. I thought Ina was sealed, but Sana must have broken her out. This was great. We stand a chance. All of a sudden, this is war.

"You need to give up and let us seal you away." I told them

"Shut it! This is my Advent. This is my time, my day, my world, and everything!" They yelled

"No, this world isn't yours, and I won't let you take it from someone more deserving!" I yelled

"Shut up. It is my world. I helped make it!" They yelled

"You are selfish; you think this is your Advent; there are people more deserving of that title, so just cower down and get out of my sight!" I yelled

"We will all stop you together!" Calli said

"All for one..." Ina growled

"And one for all!" Gura yelled

"Uhm... I have nothing cool to say!" Amelia said

"You people just won't let me cut you down!" They screamed

"Of course not! They are stronger than you'll ever be, and even though they aren't physically stronger than you or even the council, they will keep on fighting until you are taken down!" Mumei said

Gura and Ina hit them with a double drop kick, and Omegaα began to get mauled by the sea of Amelia.

"You're ditto..." Calli claimed

"Don't waver; keep on your toes and watch carefully!" I yelled

We all focused as Omegaα barely broke out of the sea of Ame; she couldn't blow them away like before.

"I lost my vessel and my power temporarily, so now I need to do something or else I will lose!" Omegaα yelled

"Just lose and save us the trouble of having to fight you!" I hissed

Omegaα stared past all of us and at Reine in the distance, saying, "There is my ticket!" They yelled

I realized as the projectile shot at me that it was aimed at Reine, and without thinking, I got in front of it, the attack piercing into my body.

"Ki-Kiara?" Reine mumbled as I coughed blood

"Thankfully you're safe..." I wheezed

"Attacking an outsider isn't fair!" Calli angrily screamed

"Well I'm trying to win!" Omegaα yelled

Calli went to attack but they flew past and got in front of Reine attacking her again but I got in the way

"Kiara... stop!" Reien yelled at me

"No... not until you are safe idiot!" I said

"I will be safe don't you dare get hurt more!" Reine pleaded

"I apologize but that can't happen I will fight forever and I will keep protecting you!" I stated

"Correct answer..." Omegaα said

They continued to attack Reine again and again and again knowing I'd get in the way "body move!" Calli yelled in anger

"How are you still standing!?" Omegaα asked

"My body is destroyed but that won't stop me from protecting my sister you need to understand I love her so much!" I yelled

"I do that's why I attacked her!" Omegaα yelled

"Tsk... well you don't have any pride" I said

My body began to crumble I looked forward knowing what was going on my body is becoming ashes but why?

"My ability worked you will enter a long nap!" Omegaα laughed

"Yeah, you are pathetic you have to temporarily turn me into ashes to get rid of me" I said

"This is going to have to end Takanashi Kiara and it'll end with me winning" they stated

"That isn't even true... I will win and you will be the one in prison not laughing!" I stated

"False, after all you aren't going to be able to move in a moment" they said

I flew forward blasting them with fire in the direction of Mumei the brown haired owl broke out of the sealing chains and trapped Omegaα in a cube

"This is the end you are going to be sealed away for the time being until you can be purified" Mumei said

"I will merge with you again!" They yelled

"You will have to but I will only do so under my terms and after you are purified you need to understand my feelings and what I love instead of just thinking about yourself" Moom said

"You can't trap me in prison you aren't going to ever trap me I will escape!" They yelled

"I'm sure you will, but we will be ready next time" Moom stated

"Come on tell me you are just playing a trick on me!" Omegaα said

"No why would I be joking you are evil and have caused too much harm I can't let it slide" I said

"Don't play the evil card" they said to us

It may be wrong to call them evil but at the same time they have ruined a lot if things so we need to get rid of them as they vanished Calli ran over to me

"What is happening to you?" She asked with worry

"I'm becoming ashes" Is all I told her as I finally disintegrated

I don't know what happened but I was basically flash banged and all of a sudden my vision went blurry I was hit and sent flying into into ground

Love Rekindled From The Ashes Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora