Hell To Pay

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Kiara pov: "You... what do you know!?"

Magni laughed. "I captured your mother!"

I flew at the man; he punched me with his many hands, but it did no damage, and I slammed my shield into his face, shattering his orbital bone.

"Gah-Auraghhhhh!" He screamed

"Not yet..." I seethe

I raised my sword and swung it downward, blasting him with fire as hot as I could make it. He was engulfed by the flames, his skin searing off.

"You are garbage!" I scream

"Sto-" he tried to plead for forgiveness or whatever, but I burned him anyway. He was on the ground like a pathetic worm.

"Tell me, where is my mother?" I ask

"Hehe...like I'll tell you!" He laughed

"Where is my Papa?" I ask

"Nowhere," he said.

"Die..." I scoff

I blasted Magni with fire, and he was sent flying out of the room. He rolled on the ground and tried to get up, but I blasted him again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again.

"Kiara..." Nerissa and Reine mumble.

"Sorry...." I exhale

Calli appeared beside me. "Kill him."

"What Mori-senpai!?" Magni shouts

"Moomers said you could kill him." She said

"I know-but still... I want to kill him, but I need to know where my parents are. I want to know this because if I don't know in a few days, my mother will return in a comatose state." I shout

"Kiara, listen, you can ask Shiori!" Calli said

Oh, yeah, Shiori exists, and Mumei should know by now.

"I need help!!!!!" Magni screamed

Vesper landed beside Magni and hissed at us like a vampire. Calli glared at the man. "You... Get out of my sight..." Calli growled

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Calli-senpai!?" Vesper asked

Kronii paused him in time and walked over to Calli. "Can we kill him?" She asked

"Sure," Calli said.

"Do it; you have one shot." I tell them.

Calli and Kronii did a team attack, and they obliterated the man who was paused in time; we didn't even know where his body went.

"Ves-Vesper?" Magni questioned

"It's your turn..." I tell him

"Wait-Wait-Wait!!! Your mom, I'll tell you where she is!!" He told me

"Okay, where?" I ask.

"In your dreams!" Magni yelled

He tried to run away, only to be crushed under Ina's tentacles. "We aren't playing..."

"Ugh..." Magni groaned

He began to crawl away, but Gura fell from the sky, breaking his back like a twig. "A," she said, "fuck off." She added

Magni used his hands to try to drag himself away, but Amelia used her powers to pause him in time.

"Let's end him..." Calli said

I jumped up into the air with my wife, and we shot wind-amplified fire at him, burning his body to a crisp. He was completely charred black and barely responsive. "You suck." I spit

"Kiara, you are really mad!" Nerissa said

"Yup," I told her.

"Get used to this," Reine said.

"Kiara is really good at serving cunt," Mumei stated as she appeared.

"Serving... serving what!?" Nerissa yelled

"Kiwawa, we are going to find my friend," Mumei claimed, disregarding Nerissa entirely.

"Your friend, so Se-" Kiara paused

"Not her anymore," Mumei said.

"Wait, so she changed?" I ask

"Bingo," Mumei said.

"Hold on... can I come?" Nerissa asks

"You realize that all the birds are coming." Reine said

"Really!?" Nerissa yelled

"Yes, Subaru-senpai and Lui-nee as well," Mumei claimed.

"Can I come?" Calli questioned

"Of course, babe!" I tell her.

Gura walked over to Mumei and grabbed her. "Can I have permission to fight Shachi again!?" Gura asked

Mumei glared at the shark and took a deep breath. "Shiki, come here!" The owl yelled

The inugami walked in and looked around. "Yes?" She questioned

"I want you to see if she can fight Shachi." Mumei told her

Shiki began to size up Goowa, and she sighs, "possibly, but winning may not be in question. She seemed to be able to keep up, but you have to realize Shachi is as strong as you because..."

"Enough!" Mumei yelled

Shiki shut herself up, and the owl flicked. Gura

"Very well, you can fight Shachi; however, if you need help, yell for me, and I'll be there immediately, but I won't let you go alone." Mumei told her

"Who is coming with me?" Gura asked

"Other than Ame because she clearly wants to go... I'll hook you up with Marine-senpai and with Aqua-senpai... also probably Chloe," Mumei told her.

"Oh, Sakamata," Gura sighed.

"Look, both of you are stinky." I tell her.

"Tsk, shut the fuck up!" Gura yelled

Mumei sighed "Gura, if you lose..."

"If I lose?" She questioned

"If you lose, then-if you lose, I'll kick your ass," Mumei said.

"Hold it. You will fight her, but you won't fight me!!!!!" Haachama yelled

"Haachama, fucking stop..." Mumei sighed

I stared at my little sister and laughed. She really has to worry about being annoyed by people. Since she is really strong, it must be nice.

"Let's just go," Mumei said.

"Let's go..." Gura said

"You two... nevermind, let's let this die." Calli sighed

Shiori and Irys came out of the shadows. "Mumei-senpai, can I kill the prisoners?" Shiori asked

"Wha-Shior~rin?" Nerissa questioned

"Rissa, this doesn't concern you." She said

"No, Shiori," Mumei said.

"Why did you ask?" Irys questioned

"No reason... Princess, let's beat up Miori," Shiori said.

This mindless bloodlust coming from Shiori is wrong. I am worried about her; she knows too much, but is that the reason why she seems so sinister and dark right now?

"Beat up, Miori?" Irys questioned

"Yes... or should it be Bae-senpai?"

"Shiori!!!!" Nerissa yelled

"Eh!? Rissa sorry..." Shiori sighed

Irys shook her head. "Shiori, I'm worried."

"Don't worry," she said.

I took a deep breath and sighed.

Don't worry, that is going to come up a lot.

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