Corrupted Nature

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Fauna pov: Kronii stood beside me and Sana glared at the both of us

"FauFau I understand why Kronini would lash out like this but why are you doing this!?" She asks

I glare at her "Because I love Meimei" I say

"I know.." Sana says

"I love Kronii as well..." I claim

"That I also know..." Sana sighs

I was exhausted mentally; usually Mumei would cheer me up, but obviously that isn't going to happen. My friend wasn't the same, even if it was taking over my beloved's body; it just isn't Mumei at all.

"What's wrong, Fauna?" Kronii asked as she breathed on my neck, making me shiver.

"Do you think we will be able to get Mumei back?" I asked.

Kronii hugged me from behind, resting her head on my shoulder. "I do," she told me.

I felt Kronii lift up strands of my hair, and she put them to her face. "You smell good," she said.

"There is no second part to that." I questioned

"Of course there is, I'm perfect. You are close though!" Kronii laughed

"Shut up..." I told her as I turned to her, sitting on her lap and looking at her face-to-face.

Kronii rolled her eyes. "You can't tell me what to do..." She scoffed

"You are beautiful," I whispered.

"WHAT!?" She shouted

I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers. "Phh!" She went into shock. I pulled away and smirked at her.

"I said you were beautiful," I said.

"You are too." Kronii stated not being able to look into my eyes.

I licked my lips as I saw an opening. I moved my head down and bit her neck, "Faun-ahn!" She cried. I pulled away and licked the spot on her neck that I had bit softly.

"You are mine, Kronii." I said

"You are so possessive!" Kronii stated

"Of course I love you after all, and since Mumei isn't around, I have to make use of my other girl," I told her.

Kronii didn't say anything in response; her brain was trying to actively process my words.

"What's wrong lost for words?" I whispered into her ear, making her shiver.

"I-love you..." She said she's still not looking at me.

"Look at me when you speak to me." I told her to move her chin so she would stare at me.

I moved down to kiss her once again, but I was blocked as Friend put Mumei's hand in front of our faces.

"Can I join in?" Friend asked

"Look, just because you are in our wife's body doesn't mean you are her." Kronii stated

"That's not fair, Mumei really took too many cute girls and didn't leave anything for me!" Friend shouted

"You are a paper bag," Kronii said.

"Yeah, you really aren't anything special." I told it

"Hey, just because I'm paper doesn't mean I'm not cool!" Friend said

"Can I please kiss my other wife in peace?" I asked

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