Two Sides

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Mumei pov: I began to fly into the air and Kiara flew after me I glared down at her and smiled

"Intercept me!" I shout

I kept on flying faster than before. I felt the inner demon inside talking to me to keep me from interacting with Kika.

"I won't let you escape!" Kiara shouts

Fauna grabbed onto me and yanked me down to the ground I glared at her since she was helping Kronii and me

"Pick one person to help..." I say

As we were walking further into the base of Holox, I started to miss Fauna for some reason.

"What the hell is up with you and Fauna?" Omegaα asked

"No comment..." I growled

I love Fauna; out of all of Council, she is the first one to ever take me in, not out of necessity but because she wanted to help me succeed.

"Where is Reine?" I asked

"She stayed behind with Ollie," Kiara said.

"Oh..." I sighed in disappointment.

"What's wrong?" Kiara asked

"I miss Fauna," I said.

"You've never missed anyone," Kiara said.

"That's not true, I missed you!" Mumei said

"We live together," Kiara said.

"Yeah, and I missed you!" I said

"You miss Fauna-senpai?" Zeta said

"I've never felt like this before." I said

"Do you miss Kronii-senpai?" Kaela asked

"Not as much as Fauna," I said somberly.

"Why do you miss Fauna?" Kiara said

"I don't know," I said. I am just as confused as all of them.

"Do you love Fauna-senpai more than Kronii-senpai?" Zeta asked

"No I don't, but it's complicated..." I sighed

"Too be fair Civilization and nature are close," Omegaα said.

"Shut up!" I yelled, and everyone stopped to look at me.

"Sorry, I was talking to Omegaα," I sighed.

"Oh well, stop that!" Kiara said

"What do you like about Fauna-senpai?" Zets asked

"Her green hair," I said abruptly.

"Is that all?" Kaela asked

"No, it's not, but I don't want to rant." I said

"Are you sure you don't?" Zeta asked

"I do, but I'll miss her more if I do!" I said

"Come on, tell us!" Kiara pried

"How about I tell you what I love about Kronii?" I said

"Tempting, but no!" Kaela said

"Yup, I heard enough Kronii-senpai compliments from Ela!" Zeta said

"Ugh... I guess this is filler anyways..." I sighed

"You can't say that," the other Zeta said.

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