The Soundless

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Nerissa pov: "Wait stop!" Mumei shouts

Kiara and I fell to the ground and screamed out in agony Subaru-senpai, Reine-senpai and Lui-senpai glared at us both shocked by this

"My body..." Omegaα growled

"Hold it! I'll let you have my body!" Mumei-senpai shouts loudly

Kiara stood up glaring at our sister and she began to agonizingly walk towards her "Over my dead body..." She growls

"Takanashi Kiara... you really continue to be a thorn in my side over and over and over and over again incinerating the piece of me inside you that should have claimed your soul by now I don't get it why do you have to defy me!?" Omegaα asks

"I don't care how many times you come back I'll put you down over and over again!" Kiara yells using the same phrasing as Omegaα did

I used sound to completely destroy the soul inside me but quickly Kiara and I realized that we still were vulnerable as our bodies were damaged enough

A energy blast was sent my way but Malpha and Aradia got in the way glaring ahead

"Our little sister needs help..." Aradia sighs

"What did we teach you!?" Malpha asks

I thought about the battle I had with my sister remembering my lesson

"You need to stop this!!" Biboo screamed at my mother as she witnessed the sword go through me.

"No, this needs to happen," my mom said.

I shattered the light blade, feeling the vibrations my blood made as it dripped onto the ground.

"I'll surpass you!" I coughed

"I want to see you try..." My sister laughed.

She extended her arms and flicked. It was like I was hit with a flashback. I couldn't see as my vision began to clear. I witnessed her in front of me. She slammed her foot into my stomach.

I coughed blood and was sent flying back into the Ravencroft forest, stopping only when my back slammed into a tree trunk. "Try harder!" She yelled as she was already behind me and began to pelt me with light blasts, destroying the tree that was behind me in the process.

To keep me in place, she went around me blasting me in quick succession, and she didn't relent; she didn't hold back one after another, each blast slammed into me roughly.

"Come on, Nerissa, hit me once!!!" She yelled"Malpha!" I screamed

I put my finger to my mouth and replicated what my mom does and whistled at such a high frequency, trying to deafen her, but she made her eardrums light to block the sound out.

"Shit..." I scoff, stopping it immediately.

"Nerissa, try things that'll work." She said

I inhaled as much as I could and made an audible whooshing sound as I breathed out. The sound made a giant gust of wind that slammed into her and sent her flying out of the forest.

I ran towards where she went, using the sound I was making to create a protective shield around me, and Malpha came from behind, getting ready to kick me, but it bounced off due to the sound protecting me.

"Malpha!!!" I screamed again. Punching her square in the face, she stumbled back, shocked by what had happened. I managed to get a hit in on her.

"Good job..." She laughed

"Thank you!" I said

"Too bad it's the older siblings job to pay you back in full for that punch." She said

"Oh...Shit..." I groan

I was blasted out of the forest near everyone else, and two light blades were stabbed into me, pinning me there, not in fatal areas.

"Nerissa!!!" Biboo screamed

Malpha walked towards me, wiping blood off her cut lip. "You did some damage." She congratulates me with another laugh, then waits for me to stand up.

"Nerissa!!! Stop!" Biboo screamed, only to be held back by Aradia, who was looking proud of me for surpassing my old self and managing to hit Malpha.

"She shouldn't stop..." Aradia claimed

My head began to hurt again, and I witnessed something: Kiara making a giant Phoenix out of fire, Mumei making a giant version of herself, an owl out of wind, and just her energy.

"I am a demon of sound, a raven!" I yell

I made a gigantic raven out of sound that enveloped me, and I flew at Malpha. She shot a beam to try to stop me, but I overpowered it, and I got to her, stabbing my tuning fork through her body.

"Blegh!" She coughed

Before she could react, I began to punch her rapidly, not letting up for a second, and since she was inside the sound raven, she couldn't use her light powers properly to block out sound.

"Ner....Issa!" She growled

She just blew up the entire structure and had me lying on the ground on the brink of losing consciousness.

"Nerissa, I'll save you!" Biboo yelled

"You don't have to..." I said

"You really don't..." Malph groaned

"Please don't...." Aradia sighed

"It's pointless..." My mom told her

My sister was hovering over me, getting ready to blast me, and as she released the attack, Biboo got in front and blocked the light. Her gem was glowing dark red in anger.

"I'm your opponent now!" Biboo yelled

"Ugh..." everyone groaned.

This is a pointless battle....

"I learned! I learned!" I lost my voice

I felt fire shoot up and saw Kiara walking past me towards Mumei

"You learned to leave it to me..." She claims

Leaving it to her this battle should be ours and yet I'm leaving it all to her my older sister really is something else and yet I don't know....

In the battle to save our sister I'm sitting here feeling useless and like I can't do anything.

Then again do I have to do something?

Would Mumei like it if I called out to her or would she be upset I have no idea to be completely honest right now...

Would she want to see me?

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