Broken Rock

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Biboo pov: A stray attack hit me leaving me lying on the ground my body shattered and broken I was stuck trying to rebuild myself but I remembered how I stood up against Malpha that one time and used that to motivate me

"I'm your opponent!" I shout

"We really don't have to fight..." Malpha claimed as she looked down at Nerissa with a soft smile, but I wasn't paying attention to that.

"You hurt my friend!" I shout

"She's my little sister!" Malpha yelled

I manipulated the ground, trying to catch her in a rock dome, but she turned into light, escaping way before it enclosed her. "You're too fast!" I shout

"You have no hopes to even win. Besides, we don't need to fight. I think you misunderstood what I was doing!" She said

"Bull-Beep! You are a fool if you think I'll fall for that!" I shout

Malpha sighed "you misunderstood!" She yelled

"I told you thats Bull-Beep!" I yelled

I began to raise the rocks, and Malpha bounced off all of them as light. She appeared in front of me and went for a kick, but she stopped suddenly.

"Shit..." She groaned

I manipulated the rocks to wrap around her and strangle her, but she escaped by turning into light.

"You are obnoxious!" She yelled

"You are a bad sister!" I hissed

I made the rocks sharp and began to shoot them at her like a gattling gun. She flew around dodging them, but when they finally hit her, they passed through her.

"Why are you running if you can't get hit!?" I ask angrily. She appeared behind me and lightly tapped me before retreating. "Malpha, you are scared of me!" I shout

"No, I'm not..." She growls

"Then why didn't you hit me!?" I ask

"Because I don't want to shatter you!" She responded as she flew around me at a rapid pace. Every time she went for an attack, she would quickly retreat before hitting me.

"Come on, hit me if you think you can shatter me!!!" I shout

"Tsk...fine!!!" Malpha yelled

She punched me in the face, and my body started to fall apart from the point of impact. "Gah-arugh!" I groaned, and blood even began to leak from my cracks. It hurt a lot.

"You said you wanted this, and now you are regretting it!" She yelled

She shot a light beam at me, and I held myself together, reflecting the beam and shooting it into the air. It exploded like fireworks.

"Next..." I laughed

"You are cocky!" She screamed

She shot another beam, but it was too much to reflect. I was completely enveloped by it. "Shoot!!!" I yelled as I was sent flying towards the others.

"Give it up, Biboo..." Shiori sighed

I saw Malpha walking towards Nerissa again. "N-No!" I groaned, beginning to manipulate the ground to move her body away.

"Fuck off!" Malpha yelled

She shot a light sword at me. It stabbed through me and stopped my focus, making it so I couldn't move her.

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